
16 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 322 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by raina

Hi everybody,

I am trying to convert a String from a Maplet Texttfield into a polynom to use it.
Unfortunately it is not as easy as predicted. Can anybody help me with my problem?

I allready tried this, but it did not work:

polyString := "alpha";
poly := convert(polyString, poly);

Thanks a lot.


Hello everybody,

I am using the GF package from Maple to solve an equation with elements of a given galois field. It looks like that:

field := GF(7, 1):

eq1 := x = y^2:
eq2 := x^2 = y^4:
equationToUse := eq1:

isSolving := false:
use field in  
    isSolving := is(eval(equationToUse, [x=field:-random(), y=field:-random()]));
end use:

if isSolving then
    print(`Equation solved`);
end if:

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