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These are replies submitted by salim-barzani

@mmcdara  why in function you just replace b[12] where i should add the b[13] and b[23] where  add code for substitute other b[ij] substitute 

@mmcdara ...........................

@mmcdara  thank you dear

@nm  that is so good now i can calculated easily  thanks so much

@nm thank you so much 

@nm the question are so different even if you watch this taged question they write dublicated where is this question i don't know  

@mmcdara  you calculated true but the answer of question is  wrong i think, when we  look for b[ij] and b[ij] already given by the iteration of b[ij] i just want calculate each one of them then replace in my function , i dont see my function contain the 
(k[i] - k[j] + (k[i] - k[j])^2)/(k[i] - k[j])

@mmcdara  my questions are semilar but they are different 

they taged dublicated even this post 

@dharr is more than two month I am busy with this I have a question why they are talk about bilinear form? in this equation you did it without bilinear form, also for finding R again you did something new always I do iteration for finding R I have one paper just one exist which did it like series iteration I don't know how work with it I will post that too but now I must find each structure, I will solve more of equations like you did and I will try work on bilinear form too, this work you did made my day thank you so much 

@janhardo ...

@dharr i am so sorry but i try

@dharr  i can't find it the code you did it before for me but i don't remember where i save it

@dharr  something strange happen in here you are right it is run and simplify, but when i  want find parameter i have squar root i must give them a constant name in algsub or what really i need help ?

@dharr thank you so much dear Dr. i owe you so much, now is my turn to looking for solution of each one , i am just so happy with this really is unblevieble 

@dharr  you are emazing dear Dr

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