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These are replies submitted by salim-barzani

@acer my question is this my sign of integral not remove and don't do work when i say take integral from all equation! in fact i am looking for finding parameter there is no any explamation in %99 percentage of paper for finding i did that becuase i want try this too to take intergal at each term then looking for it  my question is so complicated i am looking for answer just which is i not even close to it
please tell mapleplrime moderator don't delete my question till i get my answer after i get my answer i will delete them all by myself

@dharr  this another paper just one term add but he say for collecting term 

@dharr can I have thus code for arrange the equation I want try more 

@dharr I don't know shape of equations, I don't know how arranged them, but it's idea must be like that coifecent of x^i and t^j and also maybe contain x^0t^0 it mean constant other must zero but results must be this if  we find this we will figure out what we have to do in future equations 

we look for this 

@dharr  can you make construct system of equation just by x^i and t^j other like x*t =0 just count the power x and t seperatly if we do that iam sure thus parameter must be come out

@dharr I did the same like in paper did but I don't know why our parameter is different , I don't know how I do this stuck badly , and this is easiest one in comparing to other equations 

@dharr thanks for answer Dear Dr.David
i look in a lot paper they didn't explain how they reach the solution  but in some paper they collect the coefficent  of x^2,t^2,x,t, if have more than one dimension is like that x^2,y^2,t^2,xy,xt,x,y,t after all  i have to find a way for find this kind of parameter so how they did it, picture one is our equation can you find thus parameter already shown

like thus picture below

@acer i try work on it and somehow i fixed but really i don't know how this work just watch and if undrestand tell me

@acer this is will be distroy the whole my file in latex and i have to rewrite all this is a part of it

@acer it is so clear for me, i want find parameter   A[0],A[1], and B[0]  and any other in complex equation  and substitute thus  parameter in S which this S=U(xi) i want replace U(xi) in Fode it must satisfy  Fode=0.

@acer  i want find coiffecient i want something like that (ad+gh)x^2+(e+t)x+... i wakt find equation and find parameter amd change parameters 

@dharr  Dear Dr
 so i can't graph with three variable x,y,t at same graph and give them range i must act with two of them and other must be free variable or what becuase i fixed but i act with y like free variable ?

@acer  do you mean we can't plot with two or more parameter for graphing so i got this mean from your comment  y and x or x and t or y and t must get range of variable otherwise must be free ?  becuase i graphed like that but i want  give range to y too so is possible or not? i must act with two of them ?

@acer this code is yours you know how arrange things this equation and solution are (2+1) dimension so  x and y and t which is time are are used like a range other parameter are free in M

@janhardo i think is wrong, i am looking for parameter alpha[0],alpha[1],beta[0] must find with one or more  parameter in the equation  at least one or two of them

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