
36 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 62 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by samuelmankiev

1. How do I take a 2xN matrix and plot it on a 2D graph by its columns?

2.How do I take a number n and a 2xN matrix and return the product of A^n with the 2xN matrix, where A is a 2x2 matrix?

3.How do I, using your two functions above, write a procedure which plots on the same graph the result of multiplying the 2xN matrix by A^n for n = 0,1,2..10. How do i cause these sequence of plots to be displayed as an animation?

1. How do I take a 2xN matrix and plot it on a 2D graph by its columns?

2.How do I take a number n and a 2xN matrix and return the product of A^n with the 2xN matrix, where A is a 2x2 matrix?

3.How do I, using your two functions above, write a procedure which plots on the same graph the result of multiplying the 2xN matrix by A^n for n = 0,1,2..10. How do i cause these sequence of plots to be displayed as an animation?


1. How do I take a 2xN matrix and plot it on a 2D graph by its columns?

2.How do I take a number n and a 2xN matrix and return the product of A^n with the 2xN matrix, where A is a 2x2 matrix?

3.How do I, using your two functions above, write a procedure which plots on the same graph the result of multiplying the 2xN matrix by A^n for n = 0,1,2..10. How do i cause these sequence of plots to be displayed as an animation?

1. How do I take a 2xN matrix and plot it on a 2D graph by its columns?

2.How do I take a number n and a 2xN matrix and return the product of A^n with the 2xN matrix, where A is a 2x2 matrix?

write a maple function which takes a 2xN matrix and plots the points given by its columns on a 2D graph?

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