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These are replies submitted by saqib

Thanks Acer for your advice. I used arrays in Maple to evaluate a simple Matlab function and it works well. Now coming back to my actual problem of minimizing a black box function in Matlab that requires 33 input papameters. How can I specify the bounds in vector form using Maple GlobalSolve comand for a blackbox Matlab function.
Thanks Acer for your advice. I used arrays in Maple to evaluate a simple Matlab function and it works well. Now coming back to my actual problem of minimizing a black box function in Matlab that requires 33 input papameters. How can I specify the bounds in vector form using Maple GlobalSolve comand for a blackbox Matlab function.
Thanks Paulina the code is working by assigning different variable names to matlab and maple variables.
Thanks Paulina the code is working by assigning different variable names to matlab and maple variables.
Thanks for your reply Paulina. I actually tried that first and when I got this error I tried the current form. I get the same error either ways. Saqib
Thanks for your reply Paulina. I actually tried that first and when I got this error I tried the current form. I get the same error either ways. Saqib
Thanks a lot Dave for your response. As you mentioned my objective is to maximize a 'black box' function in matlb so I feel that the GlobalSolve comand that you suggested would be more effective in our case. I tried to run that command but I just get the same comand as output. I tried to search for it in help but couldnt find it. Could you please guide me how to use that. Is the global optimization toolbox included in the Maple package or is it to be purchased seperately. If we have to purchase it how can we try it to make sure it serves our purpose. Thanks Saqib
Thanks a lot Dave for your response. As you mentioned my objective is to maximize a 'black box' function in matlb so I feel that the GlobalSolve comand that you suggested would be more effective in our case. I tried to run that command but I just get the same comand as output. I tried to search for it in help but couldnt find it. Could you please guide me how to use that. Is the global optimization toolbox included in the Maple package or is it to be purchased seperately. If we have to purchase it how can we try it to make sure it serves our purpose. Thanks Saqib
Thanks Jan for your suggestion, it worked. Now another problem that I am facing is that when I call a Matlab function from Maple, it works fine and returns the desired value. However, if I then make any change in the origional matlab function and call it again, Maple somehow uses the old version and does not incorporate the change. How can I get around this. Thanks Saqib
Thanks Jan for your suggestion, it worked. Now another problem that I am facing is that when I call a Matlab function from Maple, it works fine and returns the desired value. However, if I then make any change in the origional matlab function and call it again, Maple somehow uses the old version and does not incorporate the change. How can I get around this. Thanks Saqib
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