
24 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 120 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by saqib

Hello, I am trying to call a matlab function from maple and get the following error msg: Error, (in OpenEngine) Maple/Matlab Link: Can't start Matlab engine I have tried the with(Maple) command and it shows shows a list of functions indicating that the two packages are linked. I would highly appreciate if someone could help me out with this. Thanks Saqib
Hi, I am trying to call a Matlab function from Maple. The Matlab function requires 33 input variables, but when I call this function with this many variables I get the following error message: "Error, (in ExecuteCommand) Matlab command string is too long" My objective is to maximize this function using GlobalSOlve but first I want to just call it. I would appreciate if someone can help me with this. Cheers Saqib
Hi, I am using the global optimization toolbox to minimize a matlab function as follows: restart; > (Matlab:-evalM)("cd 'C:/Documents and Settings/user/Maple'"); > mat2map1 := proc(a, b) local Res,res; Matlab:-setvar(\"a\",a); Matlab:-setvar(\"b\",b); Matlab:-evalM(\"result = mat2map1(a,b)\"); Res:=Matlab:-getvar(\"result\"); res:=convert(Res,float); return res; end proc; > with(GlobalOptimization): > infolevel[GlobalOptimization] := 3: > GlobalSolve(mat2map1, a = 0 .. 5, b = 0 .. 5); When I run this I get the following error message:
I am trying to optimize a function using NLPSolve. The function is in Matlab and Maple calls the function and optimizes it. The values that I am getting are not correct. The optimal values of the parameters are outside the range tha I specify and the function value is not what should correspond to these optimal values. I have attached both the Maple and Matlab codes herewith. Looking forward to your help. Maple File: restart; Matlab:-evalM("cd 'c:/documents and settings/user/my documents'"); mat2map5 := proc (a, b) local Res, res; Matlab:-setvar("a", a); Matlab:-setvar("b", b);
I am trying to call a Matlab function from Maple code. In doing this I am facing the following proble: When I use this statement to identify the matlab directory I get an error messgae "too many input arguments": (Matlab:-evalM)("cd c:/documents and settings/user/my documents") However, it works when I use the following: (Matlab:-evalM)("cd c:/") I would highly appreciate if someone could help me out with this. Thanks
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