
64 Reputation

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19 years, 2 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by sentinox

Just a comment. If in another case you experience problems with plots actually being inaccurate (offcourse all plots are in some degree inaccurate, especially 3d plots). The argument "numpoints=integer" can be used. example: with(plots): > plot3d(cos(3*x)+sin(y), x = -10000..10000, y=-10000..10000, axes=normal); > plot3d(cos(3*x)+sin(y), x = -10000..10000, y=-10000..10000, numpoints=2000, axes=normal); //Sentinox
Hi. I only see an red x, where the double integral should be. But here is an example of an double integral in maple: int(int(x*y,x=0..a),y=0..b); //Sentinox
Hi Doug. Just to learn. As far as i can tell, the only difference, is that the assigne command returns NULL, are there any other advantages? //Sentinox
Method 1: > vec1:=[var1,var2,var3]; > vec2:=[a + b_+ c,exp1,exp2]; > var1:=vec2[1]; > vec1; Method 2: >vec1:=[var1,var2,var3]; > vec2:=[a + b_+ c,exp1,exp2]; > vec[1]:=vec2[1]; > vec1; Hope this was what you had in mind? //Sentinox
Hi. I suppose you mean fractions? There are several ways. An approximation can be done via "evalf" example: evalf(2/10); Alternative you van use the "convert" command: example: convert(2/10, float); convert can also be used the other way like this: convert(0.2, fraction); Hope this was what you needed. //Sentinox
Hi. Just download 10.06 update. //Sentinox
Hi. I am not quite sure if I completly understand what you mean, but please try this example, and se if this is what you need: Maple code start: > restart:with(plots): > f:=x^2+y^2+t^2:#Function to be animated > g:=30*x+y:#Plane > p1:=animate(plot3d,[f,x=-10..10,y=-10..10],t=0..10): > p2:=plot3d(g,x=-10..10,y=-10..10): > display(p1,p2); Maple code end As far as I remember, this can also be done eith the "background" option, please see animate help if needed. //Sentinox
Hello Again. Just to specify. The package name is: Maple2e and should be availble on most reposetories. In case you can not find it, please send me a PM. //Sentinox
Hi. You can export an entire worksheet to latex sourcecode by "export -> latex" in the file menu. To compile you need to have the file : "maple2e.sty", in the source directory. //Sentinox
Hi. Try to use: > with(student): > completesquare(x^2-2*x*c+c^2+y^2 = 1,[x,y]); > completesquare(x^2+d+y^2+c^2+1/2*k-2*x*c = 1,x); //Sentinox
Either you define the function f as a Maple function: f:=x->a*x^2-b*x-c; g:=f(x1)-f(x); (alternatively yo can also define the function g as a Maple function using "unaply") Or via subs or eval, exaple with subs: f:=a*x^2-b*x-c; g:=subs(x=x1,f) - f; Please notice that the constant, c, will dispear, since it does not depend of x. //Sentinox
Hi Brandon. Could you please upload the maplesheet, with the exact problem? //Sentinox
Hi. Engineering + Scientific I do not remember, and can not find in the help file... Fraction: >convert(12345.678, fraction); Decimal: You can use the evalf[6](12345.678); Please notice the rounding! //Sentinox
Hi. Maple can be used with units for example with the units package: Initialisation: >restart: with(Units[Standard]): Units[UseSystem](SI): Know maple knows that you wish to calculate with SI units, but you still need to inform Maple every time you calculate with units. Your example(requires the above Initilisation): >F = 5*Unit(kg)*1*Unit(m/s^2); Please notice that the output will be in Newton [N]. //Sentinox
Hi. You can also use this approach: remove(has,allvalues(solve([eqn],[var])),I): where eqn are yor equation(s) and var are the variables you solve for. Please notice that this requires that the global variable: >interface(imaginaryunit=I): has not been changed. //Sentinox
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