
64 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 5 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sentinox

Hi. I must admit i did not read all post in this thread, but here are my ideas: I every maple helpfile, set a header including a link to this forum. That means, if people, can not solve the problem they experience with maple via the help-file, they probably will se that there is a weblink to this forum, and hence will probably use it. Another useful way would be to include a comment and link about this forum to the installationwizard of maple. As many of you might are aware, Maple is being used often by students of technical universitys and similar educational faculties. I should know this since i myself is a student of such an university. Some of theese universitys supply there students with a maple-copy used while being educated for a symbolic price. It might be a good idea to get the professors to advertise a bit for this site when theese products are being used in education. I myself only found the page via the internet, not via my professors. The professors would have the advantage that they did not need to help their students in Maple-technic problems but could instead concentrate on the math which the curss are often about. //Sentinox
Hello Roman. Thank you very much for your help, this was exactly what I was looking for. //Sentinox
Hello Roman. Thank you very much for your help, this was exactly what I was looking for. //Sentinox
Hello. The reason why maple's give the output you state, is that you need to give maple more information about the variables. If you want to know why maple has this problem, please set the global variable: _EnvAllSolutions:=true: Your Maple input would then look like this: >restart:_EnvAllSolutions:=true: >int(1/3*(-6*u2^2+u2*(3*z+9*u3)+z^2-5*z*u3-2*u3^2)*(z-u3)*(z-u2)/(u2-u3)^4, u3 = z .. 1); The output will be long, but it will be the complete answer depending wheter the variable, u2 is between z and 1. If you want to use assumptions insted, you can for example (if this is correct): int(1/3*(-6*u2^2+u2*(3*z+9*u3)+z^2-5*z*u3-2*u3^2)*(z-u3)*(z-u2)/(u2-u3)^4, u3 = z .. 1) assuming u2>1,z<1 Hope this helps? //Sentinox
Thank for your prompt reply. Could you please explain the option: >norm(U,2); What does the 2 mean, and why is used 2 (why not one or 3?) TIA //Sentinox
Thank for your prompt reply. Could you please explain the option: >norm(U,2); What does the 2 mean, and why is used 2 (why not one or 3?) TIA //Sentinox
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