
20 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 41 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by slangers

Hi, i need help. I'm currently working with Taylor and Maclaurin series in Maple. I can easily compute the sum by typing in fx : 

taylor( (ex,x=0, 5) , and then I get the first 5 numbers of the series. But I would like Maple to write the series as a sum from n =0 to infinity fx.  I can't figure out how to do it. Can it be done? 

Thanks for helping.


Im new to programming in maple and need some help.

I have this function, lets say it is f= x2 and i have a constant called c (lets say it is 2 for now)

I use the command subs, but this could be wrong.

i write :


The output the becomes 4, when i would like i to be 22 . Put in other words, how can I get maple NOT to calculate the result?



The problem is, as said, how can i get a "math output" when having something typed into my package.. 

An example of this could be:

printf("\Your function is: x^2");

When typing it like this my output becomes x^2, I would like it to become x2 , how can I fix this?


- Slangers



Hi have made my first package in maple, and need some help. I've got a funktion, and need maple to put something into this function.. 


Dams := proc (a, b, c)

local A, f;

 f(x) := a;

printf("\nDin funktion er %a", f(x));

 A := diff(a, b);

printf("\nDen differentierede funktion er %a", A);

use x = c in f(x);

 printf("\n%a i ligningen ", f(x));  ...

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