
5 Reputation

2 Badges

13 years, 312 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by stuart


oh now I can open the webpage....previously it was unavailable...


many thanks!


oh now I can open the webpage....previously it was unavailable...


many thanks!

Many thanks man!

But I do not know why, it seems the on line help for sovle/details has been moved?

I opened the following webpage but no content regarding the topic solve/details...



But your maple file is really helpful! Many thanks again!

Many thanks man!

But I do not know why, it seems the on line help for sovle/details has been moved?

I opened the following webpage but no content regarding the topic solve/details...



But your maple file is really helpful! Many thanks again!

Many thanks for your reply, Duncan:)

I have modified my equation, my new equation is

solve({lamda >= 0, (1-2*q2)*q2-r2*XA^2 >= 0, lamda*((1-2*q2)*q2-r2*XA^2) = 0, (1-3*q2)*(1+lamda) = 0, r1*q1-2*r2*XA*(1+lamda) = 0, 1-3*q1+r1*XA = 0}, {XA, q1, q2, lamda})  assuming 1>=r1>=0, 1>=r2>=0,q1>=0, q2>=0, XA>=0

I got many answers. However, one of them is XA = -1/(3*sqrt(r2)  I do not understand how that answer could be positive. I have already assumed XA>=0. Did I do anything wrong?

Many thanks for your kind help again!

Many thanks for your reply, Duncan:)

I have modified my equation, my new equation is

solve({lamda >= 0, (1-2*q2)*q2-r2*XA^2 >= 0, lamda*((1-2*q2)*q2-r2*XA^2) = 0, (1-3*q2)*(1+lamda) = 0, r1*q1-2*r2*XA*(1+lamda) = 0, 1-3*q1+r1*XA = 0}, {XA, q1, q2, lamda})  assuming 1>=r1>=0, 1>=r2>=0,q1>=0, q2>=0, XA>=0

I got many answers. However, one of them is XA = -1/(3*sqrt(r2)  I do not understand how that answer could be positive. I have already assumed XA>=0. Did I do anything wrong?

Many thanks for your kind help again!

you rock, man! Many thanks!

you rock, man! Many thanks!

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