
30 Reputation

3 Badges

9 years, 35 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sunflower

Hello everyone!

i want to make a triangle which height's is a. Sorry, my English is not very good!

And I writed it by C language, but It is not right in maple. and I don't know. Can you help me? thank you very much!

Hello everyone!

This is a procedure which I have writern. I know I write false, X=x because in maple, x is a table.although I did write x::Vector. Can you help me? Sorry, my English is not very good! :(

hello all!

Pascal := proc (n::posint)

local x, y, i;

 for i from 0 to n do print(coeffs(expand((x+y)^i)))

end do end proc;


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 How to create 


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hello everybody!

I want to create a random symmetric matrix which have det=2. I just made it like this, no better than those ones. Thanks!

Doixung := proc (n)

local A, i, j; A := Matrix(n);

n := LinearAlgebra[Dimension](A);

for i to n do A[i, i] := RandomTools[Generate](integer(range = 1 .. 20))

   end do;

for i to n do

     for j to n do

           while j < i do A[i, j] := RandomTools[Generate](integer(range = 1 .. 20)) end do;

           while i < j do A[i, j] := A[j, i] end do

     end do

end do;

print(A) end proc

Hello everbody.


 local i,p,f;   i:=1;

 while i<= N do      


     if abs(p-p[0])<TOL then             return p;     else i:=i+1;            p[0]:=p; end if;  

end do;

printf("The method failed after N iterations,N=%d",N);  end proc:

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