
20 Reputation

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13 years, 210 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by synred


Much thanks. Your version works and is much clearer besides. It would never have occured to me to do this. Doesn't seem like I should have to, but whatever works.

I only have Maple 2018 (no access to newer versions), but that doesn't seem to be related.

@acer evalf was an attempt to fix the problem. I also took real part via Re though by construction it should be real. Numerical problem I guess. Still does not exlain why it works for some intervals but not others.

I will try your suggestions


@acer Thanks. That's exactly what I was trying to recall! 

Little luck trying to find it in documentation though it must be there somewhere!

@synred Thanks. You done the 'pain' for me. Thanks.

@ecterrab Vert nice. You seem to have done the conversion for me. Thanks!

@Carl Love Ok. Thanks. 

But how do I mulitply a Differential Geometry tensor? 

I see suuggestion I change to Physics, but at this point that would be a pain...

5*g5 gives the same result, so appaently it is using linear algbra inapproriately too...(Im inclined to call that a 'bug').

Ok. I think I got it done. Previous one may have worked to. Line 35 is multiply attempt. I uss DifferentialGeometry package.

with(DifferentialGeometry); with(Tensor); with(LinearAlgebra); with(Tools)

[`&MatrixAlgMult`, `&MatrixMinus`, `&MatrixMult`, `&MatrixPlus`, `&MatrixWedge`, CalculationHistory, CanonicalBasis, DGbiform, DGequal, DGform, DGinfo, DGmain, DGmap, DGmultivector, DGscalar, DGsimplify, DGtensor, DGvector, DGvolume, DGzero, Divergence, GenerateForms, IdentityTransformation]


DGsetup([x, y, z, t], M5)

`frame name: M5`

M5 > 


M5 > 

B := 1+dBdz*z+.5*d2Bdz2*z^2


M5 > 



M5 > 

B := -2*g*z+1


M5 > 

B := exp(-2*g*z)


M5 > 

B := (1+exp(-gz))^2


M5 > 

B := 2*g*z+1


M5 > 

omega := evalDG(sqrt(B)*dt)

_DG([["form", M5, 1], [[[4], (2*g*z+1)^(1/2)]]])

M5 > 

g5 := evalDG(-`&t`(dx, dx)-`&t`(dy, dy)-`&t`(dz, dz)+`&t`(omega, omega))

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 


M5 > 

h5 := InverseMetric(g5)

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["con_bas", "con_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 1/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 

c := CurvatureTensor(g5)

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["con_bas", "cov_bas", "cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 4, 3, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)], [[3, 4, 4, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)], [[4, 3, 3, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 3, 4, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2]]])

M5 > 


M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 

ct := CurvatureTensor(g5)

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["con_bas", "cov_bas", "cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 4, 3, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)], [[3, 4, 4, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)], [[4, 3, 3, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 3, 4, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2]]])

M5 > 

rc := RicciTensor(g5)

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 

l := DGinfo(ct, "CoefficientList", "all")

[-g^2/(2*g*z+1), g^2/(2*g*z+1), -g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2, g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2]

M5 > 

G300 := (1/2)*(diff(B, z))


M5 > 

d2zdt2 := -G300


M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 

R := RicciScalar(g5)


M5 > 

B := evalDG([dt, dz])

[_DG([["form", M5, 1], [[[4], 1]]]), _DG([["form", M5, 1], [[[3], 1]]])]

M5 > 

ein := EinsteinTensor(g5)

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["con_bas", "con_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[2, 2], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2]]])

M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 

EinEq := DGinfo(g5, "CoefficientList","all");

[-1, -1, -1, 2*g*z+1]

M5 > 

XM := 5.0*EinEq

[-5.0, -5.0, -5.0, 10.0*g*z+5.0]

M5 > 

XN := -2*EinEq

[2, 2, 2, -4*g*z-2]

M5 > 


[-3.0, -3.0, -3.0, 6.0*g*z+3.0]

M5 > 


_DG([["form", M5, 1], [[[1], -5.0]]])

M5 > 


M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 

G := g5-rc

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])-_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])-_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 



_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])



M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 

xp := Multiply(g5, 5.0)

5.0*_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 


M5 > 


M5 > 


_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])+_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 



M5 > 

Add(g5, rc)

_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])+_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[3, 3], g^2/(2*g*z+1)^2], [[4, 4], -g^2/(2*g*z+1)]]])

M5 > 

Mat := Matrix([1, 2, 3, 4])

Matrix(%id = 4409748610)

M5 > 

Mapp := 2*Mat

Matrix(%id = 4611338242)

M5 > 

xx := 2*g5

2*_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 

g52 := 2*g5

2*_DG([["tensor", M5, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -1], [[2, 2], -1], [[3, 3], -1], [[4, 4], 2*g*z+1]]])

M5 > 

EinEq := DGinfo(g5, "CoefficientList", "all")

[-1, -1, -1, 2*g*z+1]

M5 > 



@Carl Love I'm only asking how to  tensor or by a factor. The rest of the work sheet is pretty messy. The imput g5 is a general relative metric tensor, though the same kind of problem seems to occur with plain matrices and also when trying to multiply square matrices. 

I figured out a way to do it, but it's awkward. Extract the components, multiply them and the reconsctruct the matrix. It seems like there should be somethig simpler. 

@Carl Love Sorry to be so ignorant but how do I find the worksheet you are refering too? I did get to your page (double click) with a lot of worksheets, but it was not clear to me which one I needed.


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