
20 Reputation

One Badge

13 years, 210 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by synred

At line 46 I do some integrals of a probablity function obainted from complex amplitudes. The plot of the function is shown above. However, the integral suddlenly drops to almost nothing when I increase the limits from +/- 0.195 to +/-0.2. The transition actually occus at ~0.196 (not shown)

This makes no sense. It doesn't seem  from the plot that the step size could get so large as to miss the peak! However, I don't know how to change numerical integral step size to test that.

---Arthur (a.k.a. Traruh)

I may have asked this before, but if so lost answer.

I'm trying to put a relatively elaborate peace of code in a loop, but can't figure out how to have multiple lines. Each command separated by ';' is awkward and seems to cause me to make even more typos then normal and it's hard to read the code.

Is there a way to have command on separate lines with in a loop?


How do a I multiply tensors?Here's what happens when I try to multiply on by a scalar. It makes no sense.


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