
12 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 42 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by urkiyani

hi i am seeking help for a little problem The question is a part of my coursework but it doesnt make sense to me i dont know how to use maple to construct a model can you please help thanks. On board sailing ships or warships, a lookout stood watch in a crows nest high on the main mast. b) Construct a mathematical model to show how far a lookout can see. Clearly indicate any assumptions you make and define any parameters you use in your formula and in the construction of your model. c) You are given that the eye-level of a typical on deck lookout is 1.75m above deck level, the floor of the crow’s nest is 25m above deck level and the deck itself is 5 m above (flat) sea level. The radius of the earth can be taken as 6,3000 kilometres.
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