
41 Reputation

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15 years, 349 days

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These are answers submitted by wschrabi

Rercently I could do the MMA convert successfully. Here is the solution.

Mrs Richmond from Wolfram could help me and corrected my errors. Here is the PDF of the working NB FIle.Download 10402_Massequ_MathCadCompare_v2.pdf
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How could I calculate the verification of the models equ? I have entered the ODE of the systems, but have problems in fitting the odemodels results. Could anyone here give me an advice, please?


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Dear friends,

How can I use the results of NPLSolve, in the next steps without redefining the results (see bold written lines)? Thanks for help.

> NLPSolve(residuals, initialpoint = {t21 = 10, vol1 = 5, vol2 = 5, clearance = 150});
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
[51.7896105965666678, [t21 = 18.2125533155585906, vol1 = 7.88918815803283202,

  vol2 = 5.44188808553054315, clearance = 171.037242037501159]]

> t21 := 18.2125533155585906; vol1 := 7.88918815803283202; vol2 := 5.44188808553054315; clearance := 171.037242037501159;
print(??); # input placeholder

> plotmodel := plot(model, t = datax[1] .. datax[nops(datax)]); plotdata := plot(datax, datay, style = point, color = blue);
print(??); # input placeholder

> plots[display](plotmodel, plotdata);




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thanks a lot , acer, yes that was the bug. No [] brackets are the solution!

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