Maple 2017 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2017

Is there a way in Maple to evaluate the following integral - where the "w" are set to go to zero to avoid singularities? B.t.w. Maple just returns the integral unevaluated with or without the "w" with the simple "int" command. 

int(ln(((p1-p3)^2+w^2)/(p1+p3)^(w^2+2))*ln(((p1-p4)^2+w^2)/((p1+p4)^2+w^2))*sin(p1)/(p1*p3*p4), p1 = 0 .. infinity);

or even

int(ln(((p1-p3)^2+w^2)/(p1+p3)^(w^2+2))*ln(((p1-p4)^2+w^2)/((p1+p4)^2+w^2))*sin(p1)/(p1*p3*p4), p1 = 0 .. 100, numeric);



how i can pdsolve these partial differentialequations?


restart; R := 1; UB := 1; lambda := 1; pe1 := 1; pe2 := 1; L := 1; Gr := 1; Br := 1; p := 1; LinearAlgebra:-HermitianTranspose(L) := 1; Nb := 1; Nt := 1; a := lambda*pe1*u(r, z)*(diff(sigma(r, z), z))-(diff(r*(diff(sigma(r, z), r)), r))/r-lambda^2*(diff(sigma(r, z), z, z))-Nt*((diff(r*(diff(theta(r, z), r)), r))/r+lambda^2*(diff(theta(r, z), z, z)))/Nb

u(r, z)*(diff(sigma(r, z), z))-(diff(sigma(r, z), r)+r*(diff(diff(sigma(r, z), r), r)))/r-(diff(diff(sigma(r, z), z), z))-(diff(theta(r, z), r)+r*(diff(diff(theta(r, z), r), r)))/r-(diff(diff(theta(r, z), z), z))


b := lambda*pe2*u(r, z)*(diff(theta(r, z), z))-(diff(r*(diff(theta(r, z), r)), r))/r-lambda^2*(diff(theta(r, z), z, z))-Nb*((diff(sigma(r, z), r))*(diff(theta(r, z), r))+(diff(sigma(r, z), z))*(diff(theta(r, z), z))*lambda^2)-Nt*((diff(theta(r, z), r))^2+lambda^2*(diff(theta(r, z), z))^2)

u(r, z)*(diff(theta(r, z), z))-(diff(theta(r, z), r)+r*(diff(diff(theta(r, z), r), r)))/r-(diff(diff(theta(r, z), z), z))-(diff(sigma(r, z), r))*(diff(theta(r, z), r))-(diff(sigma(r, z), z))*(diff(theta(r, z), z))-(diff(theta(r, z), r))^2-(diff(theta(r, z), z))^2


c := -p+(diff(r*(diff(u(r, z), r)), r))/r-L^2*(diff(r*(diff((diff(r*(diff(u(r, z), r)), r))/r, r)), r))/r+Gr*theta(r, z)+Br*sigma(r, z)

-1+(diff(u(r, z), r)+r*(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r)))/r-(-(diff(u(r, z), r)+r*(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r)))/r^2+(2*(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r))+r*(diff(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r), r)))/r+r*(2*(diff(u(r, z), r)+r*(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r)))/r^3-2*(2*(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r))+r*(diff(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r), r)))/r^2+(3*(diff(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r), r))+r*(diff(diff(diff(diff(u(r, z), r), r), r), r)))/r))/r+theta(r, z)+sigma(r, z)


bc := {sigma(R, z) = 0, sigma(r, 0) = 1, theta(R, z) = 0, theta(r, 0) = 1, u(R, z) = UB, (D[1](sigma))(0, z) = 0, (D[1](sigma))(r, LinearAlgebra:-HermitianTranspose(L)) = 0, (D[1](theta))(0, z) = 0, (D[1](theta))(r, LinearAlgebra:-HermitianTranspose(L)) = 0, (D[1](u))(0, z) = 0, (D[2](u))(R, z) = 0}

{sigma(1, z) = 0, sigma(r, 0) = 1, theta(1, z) = 0, theta(r, 0) = 1, u(1, z) = 1, (D[1](sigma))(0, z) = 0, (D[1](sigma))(r, 1) = 0, (D[1](theta))(0, z) = 0, (D[1](theta))(r, 1) = 0, (D[1](u))(0, z) = 0, (D[2](u))(1, z) = 0}






I have been using CodeTools::Usage with Maple 17 to compare timings of a couple of matrix inversion routines against each other and against the Maple library routines LinearAlgebra::MatrixInverse and LinearAlgebra::Determinant.

The small section of code that I use to collect the cpu times for each method is:


udata := Usage(invTest(x,y,z,delta,mu), output=['cputime', 'bytesused'],
              iterations=nRepeats, quiet);
dat[1]:=udata[1]; dat[2]:=udata[2];

nRepeats has been set to 25.

In order to get the timings as accurate as possible, I only open a couple of terminal windows on my laptop so as to run the tests with as low a loaded machine as I can get. (I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on an 8 core Intel (R) Core i7-3840QM, 2.8GHz CPU with 16Gb of memory.)

A test run consists of a sequence of test matrices each of which is run for an increasing sequence of matrix orders. I either time an implementation on its own or I time both an implementation and the Maple library routines. In the later case for each test matrix and order of matrix, I use Usage to first time the Maple routines and then the times for one of the implementations:


if compMaple then
udata := Usage(MatrixInverse(A), output=['cputime', 'bytesused'],
              iterations=nRepeats, quiet);
mdat[1]:=udata[1]; mdat[2]:=udata[2];

udata := Usage(Determinant(A), output=[cputime, bytesused],
              iterations=nRepeats, quiet);
  mdat[1..2] := 0:
end if:

udata := Usage(invTest(x,y,z,delta,mu), output=['cputime', 'bytesused'],
              iterations=nRepeats, quiet);
dat[1]:=udata[1]; dat[2]:=udata[2];


I have noticed the following:

a) If I time both Maple and an implementation, and the same implementation on its own I can get timings that vary up to a factor of 2 or more,

b) Changes in timings for the same test run and as close to the same environment as I can get (i.e., just the two user terminal windows open) can generate timing differences of up to 50%.

c) Sometimes `chaotic' timings are generated, for example,

    n = 150, t = 3 (secs)
    n = 200, t = 24 (secs)
    n = 250, t = 18 (secs)

which cannot be reflecting the times required to perform the calculations. This type of behaviour always seems to occur when the reported memory bytecount is increasing from ~0.25* 10^9 to over 10^9.

Is there anything I can be doing here to get more consistent timings?

I want to use the timings from these tests in a journal article so it would be good to have the same test run under very similar conditions to return timings within a few percent difference of one another. I certainly get this sort of tolerances (<10%) if I use the Fortran cpu_time intrinsic to time Fortran code.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Using Insert->Table... and inserting information in the cells. 

So I've created Table1 but I can't seem to call any row/column cell information using that name.  How do we do that?  Also, what is the best way to search for information in those cells and return information in adjacent cells? 


I have tryed, to run the file with the Mapleversion 2017.3 but in the first example pde[1] I got this error:

Error, (in assuming) when calling 'dsolve'. Received: 'cannot determine if this expression is true or false: not 0 <= -(1/2)*Pi'

 pde[2],  pde[3] and others are o.k. but pde[4] to pde[6] not. Can You give me a hint what's wrong?

With kindly regards

Wolfgang Gellien


Hello all,

I would like to know how to make computations on Quantum Field Theory questions.

For example: to write Feynman diagrams for some interactions, obtain the S matrix of scattering amplitude, then deduce the diffrential cross section.

If anyone is working on these issues in the Maple community, I would be very interested.

Best regards

Jean-Luc Paillet

Hello people in mapleprimes

I asked a question for a similar thing before.

The question I had then is not solved yet in my mind, so I think  I will ask you
again. It is about differentiation of a composite function.



For both e and d, the notation of D__1 and D__2 appear.
And, even if, with convert, I changed them to another form,
what I can get is more complicated form of h.

Is it inevitable to use D__1 and D__2 brabra in the differentiation of
composite function?

I am writing this question thinking that if there is a way of go around it,
 I want to know.

And, though this is the second question, even if I use latex( ) command,
natually, codes of Tex I can get is that of the output shown on the screen, including D__1 and D__2, even though I want it to be shown with f__x and f__y or that including prime. Then, I have to edit that tex file, changing D__1 to f__x etc. which I think is very complicated modification of the text file.
I wish there is a way to modify it in Maple so as it to be direct TeX codes which  do not require me to modify.
Is it impossible to do such a thing?

Thanks in advance.

Maple will multiply two matrices for me perfectly.  

However, when I change the value in one of the cells and try to re-evaluate the product, Maple starts giving me the sum of something in all of my cells.   


Are you simply not allowed to ever change the initial values you set for a matrix?  This doesn't seem to make sense to me.  

I have attached a screen shot to show an example with a random matrix.  

the following code results in an error message: Error, (in forget) lexically scoped parameter out of context

If I click on this error message, it brings me to a page which I visited too often.

if I uncomment the irrelevant minimize command, the error message disappears.

How can I prevent this error without giving irrelevant commands?

kind regards,

Harry Garst i can remove this error?


restart; Digits := 15



sys3 := {-.233333333333333*(diff(g5(y), y, y))+0.5e-1*g3(y)-.820000000000000*g5(y)*omega2-0.150000000000000e-1*g4(y)*omega2+0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g1(y), y))*omega2-0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g2(y), y))*omega2-1.44142830009497*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y))+864.856980056984*(diff(g5(y), y, y, y, y)), 2.61572184429325*10^(-10)*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y))+3.32396399331216*10^(-7)*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-0.193818732289211e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y))+0.199166451610413e-1*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y))+0.598690451303844e-1*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y))-5.40849801271536*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y))-5.40846938859685*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y))-.101409302553410*(diff(g3(y), y, y))+0.240924444444445e-5*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y, y)), -.233333333333333*(diff(g4(y), y, y))-0.5e-1*g3(y)-.820000000000000*g4(y)*omega2-0.150000000000000e-1*g5(y)*omega2+0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g1(y), y))*omega2-0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g2(y), y))*omega2-0.225354497440541e-3*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-76.1509512630580*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y))-11.7785283950617*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y))+1874.44512820514*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y, y))+6.88355555555557*10^(-7)*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y))-8413.23456790121*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y))+8413.23456790121*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y)), 7118.49071746442*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y))+0.266666666666666e-2*(diff(g3(y), y))-93.3333333333333*g2(y)+93.3333333333333*g1(y)+.820000000000000*g2(y)*omega2-0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g5(y), y))*omega2+1.66666666666666*10^(-7)*(diff(g1(y), y, y))*omega2-0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g4(y), y))*omega2-3.33333333333333*10^(-7)*(diff(g2(y), y, y))*omega2+0.150000000000000e-1*g1(y)*omega2+980.282047736626*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y))+0.987816663816580e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y))-2.84647769547324*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-1.77181281840245*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))+5.40846577473014*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y))+5.07598485596708*10^5*(diff(g1(y), y, y))-5.07598485596708*10^5*(diff(g2(y), y, y))-16826.4691358025*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y))-0.210330864197531e-4*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y, y)), 1.66666666666666*10^(-7)*(diff(g2(y), y, y))*omega2+0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g5(y), y))*omega2-3.33333333333333*10^(-7)*(diff(g1(y), y, y))*omega2+0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g4(y), y))*omega2+0.150000000000000e-1*g2(y)*omega2+.820000000000000*g1(y)*omega2-5.53911151967922*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-2.55201448559671*10^5*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y))-0.355523547493069e-4*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y, y))+0.266666666666666e-2*(diff(g3(y), y))-4.05637062704760*(diff(g3(y), y, y))-11.4677117829418*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y))-0.338031746031747e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y))-0.890132662315342e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y))-378.595555555555*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y))-482.358781893005*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y))-2.84647769547324*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-93.3333333333333*g1(y)-4.35805550617285*10^5*(diff(g1(y), y, y))-378.595555555555*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y))+45299.9927158183*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y))+93.3333333333333*g2(y)+5.07598485596708*10^5*(diff(g2(y), y, y))}:

bcs3 := {-0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g2))(0)+7.00534153846156*((D@@2)(g5))(0) = 0, -0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g2))(1)+7.00534153846156*((D@@2)(g5))(1) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g5))(0)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@5)(g2))(0)-7.00534153846156*((D@@4)(g5))(0) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g5))(1)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@5)(g2))(1)-7.00534153846156*((D@@4)(g5))(1) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)+2.93357776746121*10^(-11)*((D@@2)(g3))(0)+0.912685714285722e-5*(D(g1))(0)-0.912685714285712e-5*(D(g2))(0)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@2)(g4))(0)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g1))(0)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g2))(0) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)+2.93357776746121*10^(-11)*((D@@2)(g3))(1)+0.912685714285722e-5*(D(g1))(1)-0.912685714285712e-5*(D(g2))(1)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@2)(g4))(1)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g1))(1)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g2))(1) = 0, -1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)-.133295923200000*((D@@3)(g1))(0)-0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@3)(g2))(0)+15.1830055384616*((D@@2)(g4))(0)+5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@2)(g3))(0)-227.157333333333*(D(g2))(0)+227.157333333333*(D(g1))(0) = 0, -1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)-.133295923200000*((D@@3)(g1))(1)-0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@3)(g2))(1)+15.1830055384616*((D@@2)(g4))(1)+5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@2)(g3))(1)-227.157333333333*(D(g2))(1)+227.157333333333*(D(g1))(1) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@5)(g3))(0)-2.12981181756245*10^(-10)*((D@@3)(g3))(0)+0.813595871901550e-5*(D(g3))(0)-0.393365900022856e-4*((D@@2)(g1))(0)-0.136355081430858e-3*((D@@2)(g2))(0)+5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@3)(g4))(0)-8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g1))(0)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g2))(0) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@5)(g3))(1)-2.12981181756245*10^(-10)*((D@@3)(g3))(1)+0.813595871901550e-5*(D(g3))(1)-0.393365900022856e-4*((D@@2)(g1))(1)-0.136355081430858e-3*((D@@2)(g2))(1)+5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@3)(g4))(1)-8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g1))(1)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g2))(1) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g4))(0)+1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@6)(g3))(0)+.185046811569231*((D@@5)(g1))(0)+0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@5)(g2))(0)-15.1830055384616*((D@@4)(g4))(0)-5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)+227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g2))(0)-227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g1))(0) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g4))(1)+1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@6)(g3))(1)+.185046811569231*((D@@5)(g1))(1)+0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@5)(g2))(1)-15.1830055384616*((D@@4)(g4))(1)-5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)+227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g2))(1)-227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g1))(1) = 0, 371.200498864795*((D@@2)(g1))(0)-0.125033665514056e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(0)-0.454911629784616e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(0)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(0)-.90862933333333*((D@@2)(g2))(0)-.219044470756571*(D(g3))(0)+.317542124307693*((D@@3)(g4))(0)-7.77529998367344*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(0) = 0, 371.200498864795*((D@@2)(g1))(1)-0.125033665514056e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(1)-0.454911629784616e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(1)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(1)-.90862933333333*((D@@2)(g2))(1)-.219044470756571*(D(g3))(1)+.317542124307693*((D@@3)(g4))(1)-7.77529998367344*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(1) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@8)(g3))(0)-2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@6)(g3))(0)+0.156993173154261e-4*((D@@4)(g3))(0)-0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@5)(g1))(0)-0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@5)(g2))(0)+.146029446343315*((D@@3)(g1))(0)+.146028673492115*((D@@3)(g2))(0)+0.912683722980687e-2*((D@@2)(g3))(0)-1.95148800000000*10^(-8)*((D@@4)(g4))(0) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@8)(g3))(1)-2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@6)(g3))(1)+0.156993173154261e-4*((D@@4)(g3))(1)-0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@5)(g1))(1)-0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@5)(g2))(1)+.146029446343315*((D@@3)(g1))(1)+.146028673492115*((D@@3)(g2))(1)+0.912683722980687e-2*((D@@2)(g3))(1)-1.95148800000000*10^(-8)*((D@@4)(g4))(1) = 0, 54.7703335314617*((D@@2)(g2))(0)+5.87769600000000*((D@@2)(g1))(0)+0.148770877878858e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(0)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(0)-0.129031719384616e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(0)+.146028885677714*(D(g3))(0)+.143109120000000*((D@@3)(g4))(0)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g5))(0)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(0) = 0, 54.7703335314617*((D@@2)(g2))(1)+5.87769600000000*((D@@2)(g1))(1)+0.148770877878858e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(1)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(1)-0.129031719384616e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(1)+.146028885677714*(D(g3))(1)+.143109120000000*((D@@3)(g4))(1)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g5))(1)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(1) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@6)(g3))(0)+2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)-0.715265022412607e-5*((D@@2)(g3))(0)+0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@3)(g1))(0)+0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@3)(g2))(0)-3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g1))(0)+3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g2))(0)+2.11875840000000*10^(-8)*((D@@2)(g4))(0)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g4))(0)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g1))(0)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g2))(0) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@6)(g3))(1)+2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)-0.715265022412607e-5*((D@@2)(g3))(1)+0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@3)(g1))(1)+0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@3)(g2))(1)-3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g1))(1)+3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g2))(1)+2.11875840000000*10^(-8)*((D@@2)(g4))(1)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g4))(1)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g1))(1)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g))(1) = 0, g1(0) = 0, g1(1) = 0, g2(0) = 0, g2(1) = 0, ((D@@2)(g1))(0) = 0, ((D@@2)(g1))(1) = 0, ((D@@2)(g2))(0) = 0, ((D@@2)(g2))(1) = 0}:

dsys4 := {bcs3, sys3}:

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"unable to store %1 when datatype=%2", -HFloat(9.659865599999965e-7)+0.459993600000001e-8*((D@@5)(g))(1), float[8]






The following is the PDE I need to solve.

(x*y+1)*(diff(h(x, y), y, y, y))+(x+h(x, y))*(diff(h(x, y), y, y))-(diff(h(x, y), y))^2+k(x, y) = 0, (10.*(x*y+1))*(diff(k(x, y), y,y))+(10.*x+h(x,y))*(diff(k(x, y), y))-(diff(h(x, y), y))*k(x, y) = 0


This is the original boundary condition:

h(0, y) = f(y), h(x, 0) = 0, k(0, y) = g(y), k(x, 0) = 1, k(x, 25) = 0, (D[2](h))(x, 0) = 0, (D[2](h))(x, 25) = 0


After using pdsolve it come out the error:

pdsolve(eval(pde2, P = .1), pdebc4, numeric, [h(x, y), k(x, y)], spacestep = .1)

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/par_hyp) Incorrect number of initial conditions, expected 0, got 2


If I remove one of the boundary condition when x=0, maybe h(0,y)=f(y), then the error will be this:

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/par_hyp) Incorrect number of initial conditions, expected 0, got 1


However if I remove both when x=0, it come out this error:

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric) initial/boundary conditions must be defined at one or two points for each independent variable


May I know what is the problem of this equations?

P/S: I know its only differentiate with respect to y and is consider to be an ODE( I need more explantion on this please) and I'm still new to maple. Thanks!!


I downloaded Maple Player, and I don't know how can I use it resolve Maths problems. Kindly, could you explain to me the procedure I shall follow for the reason to use it?

I have been unable to successfully open a text file for writing in MAPLEPLAYER, whether it is requested in the startup code section or via a document tools button.  Is there a way to write to a file in MAPLEPLAYER?  It returns a "no write access" statement.

The write works perfectly in MAPLE 2015.1


I have created and saved a MAPLE module in an .mla archive. The module contains three procedures A, B, C, where

A calls, B and C.  

Once the module library has been loaded, A acccepts inputs and generates outputs.

Is it possible to create a MAPLE player worksheet which calls the module and share it with a Maple Player (only) user, so that they can then supply the inputs and observe the outputs from A using the Maple Player programme components?

Can anyone help?





I have downloaded MaplePlayer on my iPad.   I see that it comes with a number of "pre-recorded" programs that it can run.  Is there a way to have it run a Maple worksheet that I have written?   If so, how do I use this app to open an existing worksheet? 


Also, are there any plans for this app on the Android platform any time soon?

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