Maple 2024 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2024

Why Maple returns y(x)=0 as solution to this ode when even odetest do not validate the solution? Solution satisfies the ode but not the given BC.

Is this a known bug?

I've updated the worksheet now to include few more examples, all using same ode but with different BC's. In all 4 examples, Maple gives solutions when there should not be solution and in one case gives solution which can not even be used for odetest. These are random BC's generated just for testing.


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1804. The version installed in this computer is 1802 created 2024, September 3, 11:35 hours Pacific Time, found in the directory C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib\`


"C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib"



ode:=diff(diff(y(x), x), x) + 2*diff(y(x), x)/x - y(x) = 0;

diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+2*(diff(y(x), x))/x-y(x) = 0

y(-1) = 0, (D(y))(-infinity) = -1/exp(1)


y(x) = 0


[0, 0, -exp(-1)]



ode:=diff(diff(y(x), x), x) + 2*diff(y(x), x)/x - y(x) = 0;

diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+2*(diff(y(x), x))/x-y(x) = 0

y(infinity) = 0, (D(y))(-infinity) = -1/exp(1)


y(x) = 0


[0, 0, -exp(-1)]



ode:=diff(diff(y(x), x), x) + 2*diff(y(x), x)/x - y(x) = 0;

diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+2*(diff(y(x), x))/x-y(x) = 0

y(-infinity) = 0, (D(y))(-infinity) = -1/exp(1)


y(x) = signum((sinh(x)+cosh(x))/x)*infinity


Error, (in signum) signum is not differentiable at 0



ode:=diff(diff(y(x), x), x) + 2*diff(y(x), x)/x - y(x) = 0;

diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+2*(diff(y(x), x))/x-y(x) = 0

y(-infinity) = 0, (D(y))(infinity) = -1/exp(1)


y(x) = 0


[0, 0, -exp(-1)]




Update sept 13, 2024

Here is one more example I found. In this ode, the IC given leads to division by zero in the solution. Yet Maple for some reason removes the offending part of the solution with that constant, and returns the rest. 

Is one allowed to do this? odetest also do not validate the solution. There should not be solution returned in this case, since it is not possible to find values for the constants of integration given these initial conditions. Right?


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`



x^2*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))+x*(diff(y(x), x))-9*y(x) = 0

y(0) = 1, (D(y))(0) = 0

y(x) = c__1*x^3+c__2/x^3

maple_sol_with_IC:=dsolve([ode,IC]); #maple just removed the c2/x^3 part. Since at x=0 gives problem?

y(x) = c__1*x^3

odetest(maple_sol_with_IC,[ode,IC]); #shows solution does not verify

[0, 1, 0]






I wanted to change  eq:= 1/2 * sqrt(-2*lambda)  to 1/2 %* sqrt(-2*lambda)  using a rule.

It works outside of rule ofcourse. But when I put %* in the RHS of the rule, maple hangs. It seems it is going into infinite loop.

I tried the trick of using '%*' but this gives syntax error.

Same problem happens when using %. and not just %*

Is there a workaround?

Attached worksheet. Make sure to save all work before trying it.


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1804. The version installed in this computer is 1802 created 2024, September 3, 11:35 hours Pacific Time, found in the directory C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib\`


"C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib"


eq:= 1/2 * sqrt(-2*lambda)


eq:= 1/2 %. sqrt(-2*lambda); #no problem

`%.`(1/2, (-2*lambda)^(1/2))

eq:= 1/2 %* sqrt(-2*lambda); #no problem

`%*`(1/2, (-2*lambda)^(1/2))


eq:= 1/2 * sqrt(-2*lambda)


applyrule(sqrt(x::anything)/y::anything = 1/y %. sqrt(x),eq); #why this hangs?



eq:= 1/2 * sqrt(-2*lambda)


applyrule(sqrt(x::anything)/y::anything = 1/y %* sqrt(x),eq); #why this hangs?





I present a simple work-up of rolling a plane curve along a fixed plane curve in 2d space. Maple sources are attached.

Kind regards!


Please help me solve this type of equations, I have more of them, but there is only one in the attached file. fsolve does not work. Please help.

Best regards!

The help page of interface('longdelim') states: 

If true, Maple control structures such as if, do, proc, and so on are displayed with the newer-style long ending delimiters such as end if, end do, end proc, and so on. If false, ending delimiters are displayed as fi, od, end, and so on

If I set interface('longdelim' = false):, the Maple Input

try f:=0 catch:end try;

can be converted into 

via , but why is

use f=0 in f+1 end use;

still converted into

 instead of “use f = 0 in f + 1 end”? 

With the attached task I would like to learn how Maple handles polynomials and plots. For this I have chosen a task with an interesting history from 1593. Adriaan van Roomen posed it to F. Vieta, who solved it after a short consideration.

My questions are:
1.) How are very long terms entered and displayed in Maple in an appropriate manner?
2.) How are the graphs of several functions displayed in the same coordinate system?
3.) Which graphics settings must be selected for differentiable functions in order to obtain nice, rounded curves rather than angular ones from the numerical result?
4.) Can the apparently random oscillations of the curve at the end of the interval be suppressed?
5.) The curves for p(x) and sinnx(x) are theoretically identical, since p(x) is the trigonometric expansion of sinnx(x). Their graphs must therefore be identical. How can this be displayed?
6.) The polynomial has many real zeros. How can the zeros be clearly presented in a table?

This is an excersise in one of Mathematica's tutorials. The problem is to find from all persumtations of [1,2,3,4] those lists which has 2 in them before 3.

But the idea is that 2 can be anywhere before the 3, with possibly zero or more numbers between.

Will show how to do this in that other software, and ask if there is a way using Maple pattern matching or better way to do this in Maple better than what I did.



{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 4, 3}, {1, 4, 2, 3}, {2, 1, 3, 4}, 
{2, 1, 4,  3}, {2, 3, 1, 4}, {2, 3, 4, 1}, {2, 4, 1, 3}, 
{2, 4, 3, 1}, {4, 1,  2, 3}, {4, 2, 1, 3}, {4, 2, 3, 1}}

We see in all of the above, 2 is before 3.

In that other software, the ___ means there is zero or more things.  I could not find how to do this in Maple's pattern matching. So had to use has and then find the index of 2 and 3 in each list and check if the index of 2 is smaller than the index of 3. Which is kinda awakard and not as elegent as using a pattern, but it gives same result.

map(X->`if`(has(X,2) and has(X,3) and ListTools:-Search(2,X)<ListTools:-Search(3,X),X,NULL) ,L);


[[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4, 3], [1, 4, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3, 4], 
[2, 1, 4, 3], [2, 3, 1, 4], [2, 3, 4, 1], [2, 4, 1, 3], 
[2, 4, 3, 1], [4, 1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 1, 3], [4, 2, 3, 1]]

Can you suggest a way using either patmatch or applyrules in Maple to do the same?  

Could this be done easier than what I did using evalindents without the need for pattern?

I find patterns easier to work with myself.

ps. converting each list to string, and then using regular expression or string matching, is not what I am looking for. 

ps. the check in Maple code of has(X,2) and has(X,3) is not really needed here, since we know each list will have 2 and 3 in them. But I kept these to make it more general for other type of problems where these extra checks might be needed.

I am trying to create the plot for the dynamics of the discrete Klein - the equation gives Gordon equation (DKG) with friction for t=0 and t=3000.

As you can see below, creating the plot for t=0 is pretty easy. However, for t=3000, I tried to create a procedure to produce the desired plots, but when I ran the code, nothing happened. The worksheets are evaluated all the time. There are no results.

I am studying  for my thesis  the dynamics of the discrete Klein - the equation gives Gordon equation (DKG) with friction:


diff(U(t), t, t)-K(`U__n+!`-2*U__n+`U__n-1`)+delta*U__n+(D(W))(U__n) = 0, beta > 0, delta > 0

In the above equation, W describes the potential function:

W(U__n) = -(1/2)*`&omega;__d`^2*U__n^2+(1/4)*beta*`&omega;__d`^2*U__n^4


to which every coupled unit U__nadheres. In Eq. (1), the variable U__n(t)is the unknown displacement of the oscillator occupying the
n-th position of the lattice, and is the discretization parameter. We denote by the distance between the oscillators of the lattice. The chain (DKG) contains linear damping with a damping coefficient, while β s the coefficient of the nonlinear cubic term.


For the DKG chain (1), we will consider the problem of initial-boundary values, with initial conditions


U__n(0) = `U__n,0` and U__n(0) = `U__n,1` and `in`(`U__n,1`, 2*real^(k+2))

and Dirichlet boundary conditions at the boundary points x__0 = -(1/2)*Land "`x__k+1`=L/(2),"that is,

U__0 = `U__k+1` and `U__k+1` = 0, t >= 0*3


Therefore, when necessary, we will use the short notation `&Delta;__d`or the one-dimensional discrete Laplacian

`U__&Delta;__d__U__n&in;&Zopf;` = `U__Error loading this structure.`-2*U__n+4*`U__n-1`


We investigate numerically the dynamics of the system (1)-(2)-(3). Our first aim is to conduct a numerical study of the property of Dynamic Stability of the system, which directly depends on the existence and linear stability of the branches of equilibrium points. 

For the discussion of numerical results, it is also important to emphasize the role of the parameter `&omega;__d`By changing the time variable proc (t) options operator, arrow; 1/h end proc we rewrite Eq.(1) in the form


diff(U(t), t, t)-`&Delta;__d`*U(t)+(diff(delta(x), x))*U__n = `&Omega;__d`(-`&beta;U__n`^3+U__n)^2, t > 0, `&Omega;__d`^2 = h^2*`&omega;__d`^2, diff(delta(x), x) = `h&delta;`


The change in the scaling of the lattice parameter of the problem makes it important to comment here on the nature of the continuous and anti-continuous limit. For the anti-continuous limit, we need to consider the case in Eq. (1) where proc (`&omega;__d`) options operator, arrow; infinity end procIn the case of nonlinearity present in the governing equations, the continuous limit needs to be taken as well. On the other hand, for small values of the parameter, the system becomes significant. However, because of the model we consider, we take the asymptotic linear limit as

proc (`&omega;__d`) options operator, arrow; 0 end proc


We consider spatially extended initial conditions of the form:

U__n(0) = `U__n,0` and `U__n,0` = a*sin(`j&pi;hn`/L), j = 1, () .. K


where h = L/(K+1) is the distance of the grid and  a > 0 is the amplitude of the initial condition
We also assume zero initial velocity:


"(`U__n`(0)=`U__n,1`=0) "





restart; with(plots); a := 2; j := 2; L := 200; K := 99; h := L/(K+1); n := Vector([`$`(-(1/2)*L+h*i, i = 0 .. K+1)]); U_n0 := a*map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; sin(j*Pi*x/L) end proc, h*n)

plot([seq([n[i], U_n0[i]], i = 1 .. K+2)], style = point, color = blue, axes = boxed, gridlines, grid = [true, true], labelfont = [TIMES, 12])


Now I am trying to create plot for different values of a.

a = {2, 1.82, 1.85, 1.9, 1.95}, K = 99, L = 200, beta = 1, delta = 0.5e-1, `&omega;__d`^2 = 1

restart; with(plots)

L := 200; K := 99; j := 2; omega_d := 1; beta := 1; delta := 0.5e-1

h := L/(K+1); n := Vector([`$`(-(1/2)*L+h*i, i = 0 .. K+1)])

dt := 0.5e-1; tmax := 3000; tspan := [seq(0+dt*i, i = 0 .. trunc(tmax/dt))]


a := 1; U0 := a*map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; sin(j*Pi*h*x/L) end proc, n); U0[1] := 0; U0[K+2] := 0; Udot0 := Vector(K+2, 0)

discrete_laplacian := proc (U) local i, Laplacian; Laplacian := Vector(K+2); for i from 2 to K+1 do Laplacian[i] := U[i+1]-2*U[i]+U[i-1] end do; Laplacian[1] := 0; Laplacian[K+2] := 0; return Laplacian end proc


U := U0; Udot := Udot0; for t to num_steps do Lap := discrete_laplacian(U); Ucube := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; x^3 end proc, U); for i from 2 to K+1 do Udot[i] := Udot[i]+dt*(2*omega_d^2*U[i]-beta*Ucube[i]-delta*Udot[i]+Lap[i]) end do; for i from 2 to K+1 do U[i] := dt*Udot[i]+U[i] end do; U[1] := 0; U[K+2] := 0; if `mod`(t, 1000) = 0 then plotU := plot(n, U, style = line, color = blue, title = cat("Displacement at t=", t*dt), labels = ["n", "Displacement"], grid = [true, true]); display(plotU) end if end do


My target is the following plots


This is an example of what I need to display in Maple:


Is it possible to display boundary-conditions in Maple like this?

I tried to experiment with maple but I cannot type the lower and upper boundaries on top of each other. Unfortunately, they are not vertically aligned if I try to use superscript and subscript at the end of the right square bracket.

I hope there is a hack or a way to deal with this problem.

I know that the notation is a bit weird but that is how our teachers want us to display the intermediate calculations when we have to deliver our assignments. I know I could skip this intermidiate process but it is a tradition in my country to show the intermidiary calculations like I showed in the link.

Best regards.

applyrule is useful but seems limited. I can't do operation such as expand in the RHS of the rule.

For example, I wanted to applyrule that says to take sin(x::anything) and change it to cos(expand(x)), but it does not expand x. 

It seems because in the RHS of the rule, at the instance applyrule sees expand, x remains a symbol and not evaluated. So there is nothing to expand. It gets evaluated at later time, but by then too late for expand to do anything, it is gone. Just a guess.

But is there a trick to allow one to do more things in RHS of applyrule, such as expand or simplify? This would make applyrule much more useful. Otherwise, as it is, applyrule is of limited use. 

I know I can use evalindets ofcourse for this. 

#expand does not work in RHS of applyrule
applyrule( sin(x::anything) = cos(expand(x)), e1);



#but other operations worksheetdir
applyrule( sin(x::anything) = cos(x^2), e1);





#I could do this ofcourse





Using other software, there is no such problem using other operations on RHS of a rule

You see, expand worked on RHS of rule. 

I'd like to do same thing using applyrule in Maple. Is there a trick to allow this?

Maple 2024.1

I need to automatically extend or truncate a colour list to suit number of points in plottools:-point plot.
extending the list the colour sequence could be repeated or if the is too awkard just add black.
I can't figure out how to select the list of colours to put into a new list to modify.

This will be inside a plotting procedure.



[BinaryPlace, BinarySearch, Categorize, Classify, Collect, Deal, DotProduct, Enumerate, FindMaximalElement, FindMinimalElement, FindRepetitions, Flatten, FlattenOnce, Group, Interleave, InversePermutation, Join, JoinSequence, LengthSplit, MakeUnique, Occurrences, Pad, PartialSums, Reverse, Rotate, Search, SearchAll, SelectFirst, SelectLast, Slice, Sorted, Split, Transpose, Unpermute]



[[1, 2], [3, 4], [-5, 6], [-3, -2]]






[symbol = solidcircle, colour = [red, green, blue, orange], symbolsize = 12]





#Need to extend or truncate the list of colours to match the number of points
#styles can be copied to styles 1,2 etc
#the extended list would be a repeatition of the colour sequence given
#would need to look for color or colour;

has(styles,colour); #how to select colour our into a seperate list?



#too few point for the colours;

[[1, 2], [3, 4], [-5, 6]]



Error, (in Plot:-Structure:-Points) number of colors must match number of points


#too many point for the colours;

[[1, 2], [3, 4], [-5, 6], [-3, -2], [5], [0, 1]]



Error, (in plottools:-point) incorrect arguments for creating points structure, try providing the dimension option




How do I mute the action of an accent applied to a symbol so that the accented symbol is itself an inert object? See the attached example.

As a newbie in Maple2024, my next step is to try to solve a Diophantine equation. Attempts with isolve failed. It is the famous task B3 from the IMO of 1988:

If for integers x and y the fraction (x^2+y^2)/(1+x*y) is a positive integer, then it is actually a square number.

The solution is well known. But I would like to learn how to use Maple using this example and would like some advice.

Best regards, Alfred_F

I was trying to odetest one of my solutions to this ode when I got this internal Maple error I have not seen before.

Is this a legitimate error? my solution could be wrong ofcourse but strange to get internal error in this case.

Does this happen on earlier versions of Maple?


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1798 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, August 29, 14:22 hours Pacific Time.`


"C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib"


sol:=Intat(1/(u^n/((1/((a*g(x)+b)^n)/(f(x)^n)*diff(g(x),x)*f(x))^(-n-1))/((f(x)*diff(g(x),x))^(-2*n+1))/((1/((a*g(x)+b)^n)/(f(x)^n)*diff(g(x),x)*f(x)*(diff(f(x),x)*diff(g(x),x)+f(x)*diff(diff(g(x),x),x))-(-1/((a*g(x)+b)^n)/(f(x)^n)*diff(g(x),x)^2*f(x)*n*a/(a*g(x)+b)-1/((a*g(x)+b)^n)/(f(x)^n)*diff(g(x),x)*n*diff(f(x),x)+1/((a*g(x)+b)^n)/(f(x)^n)*diff(diff(g(x),x),x)*f(x)+1/((a*g(x)+b)^n)/(f(x)^n)*diff(g(x),x)*diff(f(x),x))*f(x)*diff(g(x),x)-f(x)*diff(f(x),x)/((a*g(x)+b)^n)/(f(x)^n)*diff(g(x),x)^2*n)^n)/(n^(-n))-u+1),u = a/f(x)/(a*g(x)+b)*y(x))-ln(a*g(x)+b)+_C1 = 0;

Intat(1/(u^n/(((diff(g(x), x))*f(x)/((a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n))^(-n-1)*(f(x)*(diff(g(x), x)))^(-2*n+1)*((diff(g(x), x))*f(x)*((diff(f(x), x))*(diff(g(x), x))+f(x)*(diff(diff(g(x), x), x)))/((a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n)-(-(diff(g(x), x))^2*f(x)*n*a/((a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n*(a*g(x)+b))-(diff(g(x), x))*n*(diff(f(x), x))/((a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n)+(diff(diff(g(x), x), x))*f(x)/((a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n)+(diff(g(x), x))*(diff(f(x), x))/((a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n))*f(x)*(diff(g(x), x))-f(x)*(diff(f(x), x))*(diff(g(x), x))^2*n/((a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n))^n*n^(-n))-u+1), u = a*y(x)/(f(x)*(a*g(x)+b)))-ln(a*g(x)+b)+_C1 = 0

ode:=diff(y(x),x)-f(x)^(1-n)*diff(g(x),x)*y(x)^n/((a*g(x)+b)^n)-diff(f(x),x)*y(x)/f(x)-f(x)*diff(g(x),x) = 0;

diff(y(x), x)-f(x)^(1-n)*(diff(g(x), x))*y(x)^n/(a*g(x)+b)^n-(diff(f(x), x))*y(x)/f(x)-f(x)*(diff(g(x), x)) = 0


Error, (in PDEtools/NumerDenom) invalid input: PDEtools/NumerDenom expects its 1st argument, ee, to be of type Or(algebraic,table,rtable), but received {Intat(1/(u^n*(f(x)^(1-n)*diff(g(x),x)*(a*g(x)+b)^(-n))^n*(f(x)*diff(g(x),x))^(2*n)*n^n-u*(a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n*(a*n*f(x)^(2-n)*diff(g(x),x)^3*(a*g(x)+b)^(-n-1))^n+(a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n*(a*n*f(x)^(2-n)*diff(g(x),x)^3*(a*g(x)+b)^(-n-1))^n),u = _Z) = Intat(1/(u^n*(f(x)^(1-n)*diff(g(x),x)*(a*g(x)+b)^(-n))^n*(f(x)*diff(g(x),x))^(2*n)*n^n-u*(a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n*(a*n*f(x)^(2-n)*diff(g(x),x)^3*(a*g(x)+b)^(-n-1))^n+(a*g(x)+b)^n*f(x)^n*(a*n*f(x)^(2-n)*diff(g(x),x)^3*(a*g(x)+b)^(-n-1))^n),u = _Z)}




Is there a way to re-index an existing dataframe? See attachment for example.

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