Maple 2024 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2024

Writng the Pde wave function solution in a textbook form ?

Hi all guys, it is simple equation, I wanna get the expression of w=()^(1/4) which consists zg & fg. I use solve command but fails, could you please help me?


p := (1/24)*z*g[u]+(1/24)*f*g[z]-(1/144000)*w^4*(f*g[z]+z*g[u])



solve(p = 0, w)

2*375^(1/4), (2*I)*375^(1/4), -2*375^(1/4), -(2*I)*375^(1/4)




Hi dear mapleprime users, i have a problem in a change of varibales if the following ode. i want to use "r=R*rs,u(r)=h*u(R*rs)" variable changes in ode, how can i do that, R is a constant. tnx for the help


y := (1 + diff(u(r), r))*diff(u(r), r, r) + (1 + vs*u(r)/r + (1 - vs)/2*diff(u(r), r))*diff(u(r), r)/r - (1 + (1 + vs)/(2*r)*u(r))*u(r)/r^2

(1+diff(u(r), r))*(diff(diff(u(r), r), r))+(1+vs*u(r)/r+(1/2)*(1-vs)*(diff(u(r), r)))*(diff(u(r), r))/r-(1+(1/2)*(1+vs)*u(r)/r)*u(r)/r^2


constants := constants, R:

subs(r=R*rs,u(r)=h*u(R*rs),y) ;convert(%,D)

(1+diff(u(R*rs), R*rs))*(diff(diff(u(R*rs), R*rs), R*rs))+(1+vs*u(R*rs)/(R*rs)+(1/2)*(1-vs)*(diff(u(R*rs), R*rs)))*(diff(u(R*rs), R*rs))/(R*rs)-(1+(1/2)*(1+vs)*u(R*rs)/(R*rs))*u(R*rs)/(R^2*rs^2)


Error, invalid input: diff received R*rs, which is not valid for its 2nd argument




I sort of remember there is a special syntax for setting initial condition for an ode derivative as    y'(a)=b, where and are symbols. I forgot what it is, everything I try gives error. (I thought eval was used to work for this, but can't get it to work now).

Any one knows how to set this IC?   For an example, given this ode y''(x)+y'(x)+y(x)=0 I want to solve it with the IC as   y'(a)=b where has no numerical value. Just a symbol.

For an example, using another software, it is done as follows


Below is my attempts in Maple. I tried eval, subs, and the normal D(y)(a)=b but none of these works when is symbol. 

I looked at help and all examples I saw use constants, as in D(y)(0)=value. 

Iam sure this is possible to do in Maple, but I forgot how. Below is worksheet.


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`



diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+diff(y(x), x)+y(x) = 0

diff(y(a), a) = b

(D(y))(a) = b

(D(y))(a) = b


Error, (in dsolve) found differentiated functions with same name but depending on different arguments in the given DE system: {y(a), y(x)}


Error, (in dsolve) found differentiated functions with same name but depending on different arguments in the given DE system: {y(a), y(x)}


Error, (in dsolve) found differentiated functions with same name but depending on different arguments in the given DE system: {y(a), y(x)}

#eval works if the point is actual value as in

eval(diff(y(x), x), {x = 0}) = b

#but I want x=a in the above.


There is no issue for dirichlet initial condition, where  y(a)=b works. It is the  neumann one which I can't figure its syntax. So this works OK


Maple help pages keep getting worst with each release.

I want all input to be displayed using Maple 1D notation, so I can copy the example to my worksheet since I only use worksheet and not document (2D) mode.

So even though the first thing I do when I open help it to turn off the 

                     view->Display examples with 2D

So it is no longer checked, I still see many pages using 2D math for input. 

Here is one example ?D  page

If I copy one such input to my worksheet now it looks like this

eveything in 2D becomes ?? when I copy it.

So one can only look but not copy?

Is there any other option to make sure, really make sure, all examples have 1D as input?

The problem is that it is all not consistent. Some examples have a mix of 2D and 1D as the above page. Some are in 2D and some are in 1D.

And this is all on the same help page!

Does no one inside Maplesoft even look at their own help pages?

At school the teacher always said that if we have second order ode and only one initial conditions (say y'(0)=0 or y(0)=0) then the solution should have one constant of integration in it.

And if we have no initial conditions, then the solution should have 2 constants of integrations in it.

And if we have two initial conditions, then the solution should have zero constants of integrations in it.

In this example, Maple is given second order ode with one IC. But the solution it gives when asked to solve it explicit, has no constant of integration in it at all. 

When asked to solve it using implicit, then the constant of integration shows up. 

Both solutions actually verify to be fully correct using odetest. So it looks like the solution as explicit is particular solution and not a general solution.

Why is that? Why it did not give general solution when asked to solve the ode as explicit?



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1793 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, August 25, 9:6 hours Pacific Time.`


"C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib"