Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple


I'ld like to know how is implemented the proc "lagrange" in Maple (I mean which is the followed algorithm when you call it), and in general how to get access, if possible, to the way any proc (already implemented in Maple) is implemented.

Waiting for your help,

thank you.

if I have a variable A_:=diff(A(t)/B(t),t); which gives me A_ := (diff(A(t), t))/B(t)-A(t)*(diff(B(t), t))/B(t)^2 what command do I use to split the second term after the minus sign so I get: A_ := (diff(A(t), t))/B(t)-A(t)/B(t)*(diff(B(t), t))/B(t); Any suggestions ??
<p>How do I attach or include a maple worksheet to this group?   When I copy the worksheet and paste, instead of with regular email, I get the following gibberish.  ........</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>

Hi again.


Suppose I do the following definite integral:

Int(cos(m*x)*sin(n*x),x=0..Pi) assuming m::integer,n::integer

I recieve


Since I don't want to be mistaken wiht the first minus sign I do

collect(I1, m, normal)

Is there a way to tell Maple that m+n is odd or even since the answer depand on this information.  Of course, in this case, we can see immediatly but just for the peace of mind.


I am attempting to intergate with maple, also using Vecotr Cal. notations and have come upon some errors.  Maple tells me it is unable to match deliminators.  What does that mean?  I am new to using Maple and lost in it.





I used rand() to get a list of random numbers between 0 and 1. It gives me something like

[.30000000, .50000000, .20000000]

But I want this to be like [.3,.5,.2]. As my code tells that both the above lists are unequal !!! How ? kindly explain me.



Hello everyone,

Can anyone describe me how to invert a function in Maple 9.5? The following, in particular:

piecewise(x<=20, 100-x-(3/80)*x^2+(3/1600)*x^3-2*x, x>=20 and x<=fsolve(1495/16-(201/64)*x+(33/1280)*x^2-(3/25600)*x^3=0), 1495/16-(201/64)*x+(33/1280)*x^2-(3/25600)*x^3)

Thank you in advance.


Simple question: Can Maple plot x = 3


Hello Experts,

I'm relatively new to maple, and I wonder why I don't grok even this simple problem.

Okay, So I'm running Maple 11 on a Mac with 4 gig of RAM. However my mserver keeps crashing due to running out of memory. The intuitive solution to this is obviously to increase the datalimit through kernelopts, when I try to do this I am informed that I can't exceed the hard limit, i.e.: >kernelopts(datalimit = 409601); Error, cannot raise the datalimit above the hard limit As we've already established I've got rather more memory available than that and it doesn't seem to be restricted by the unix kernel: ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0
How can I give the general solution to v''(t)+v'(t)+v=0, because I can only draw the solution. deq:=diff(y(x),x)=x^2+x+1; value(%); Thanks nevulosa

Any tips on how to solve fixed endpoint problems in the calculus of variations?

For instance,

Find the extremal for:

int(diff(x(t),t)^2/(t^3),t=1..2) with x(1)=2 and x(2)=17.

The correct answer is x(t) = t^4 + 1.

Hello I have a table of x values and y values and after plotting them I found a trend line by least square. But at the moment of plotting the values and the trend line, this last one doesn't reach all the plot width. How can I enlarge its reaching? Thank you,

hello, first post here.

i'm attempting to solve the 1 d heat equation using a finite difference scheme, with continous boundaries eg.

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