Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

Hallo to everybody I have some problem with the partial derivation of a matrix... I want to derive all the term of a matrix for "x". The matrix contains symbolic variable that are functions of x,y,t.  How can I do that? I attach to you my sheet,I hope that you can help me

thanks a  lot




Hallo to everybody I have some problem with the partial derivation of a matrix... I want to derive all the term of a matrix for "x". The matrix contains symbolic variable that are functions of x,y,t.  How can I do that? I attach to you my sheet,I hope that you can help me

thanks a  lot





today i downloaded the maple12 student version (32 bit) for Linux.
I have openSuSe 10.3 with kernel 2.6.24 and its 64bit Linux. In the past i
worked with 32bit Maple 10 and 11 without a problem.
But now after starting maple12 (the pure asci console maple) it
terminates with the message:


I'm solving a system of 16 odes which is stiff. I'm using the rosenbrock solver and I would like to specify

the jacobian matrix for the solver. I found something in Maple's help but it didn't help me a lot. 

Does anyone have some even simple example how to specify jacobian matrix in dsolve call, please? 


In the command-line or Classic worksheet interfaces of Maple, after entering


only the help page for Statistics[PointPlot] is shown.

This is strange, since plots[pointplot] gives an exact match for the lower case name entered while Statistics[PointPlot] does not. In Maple 10.06, that same help query showed the plots[pointplot] page.

In the Standard worksheet interface that same command brings up the Statistics[PointPlot] page. But a...

 I wonder how to use Maple to define the following function and draw its graph.

On some pocket calculators if you plot two polar equations on the same graph, you can get estimates of the coordinates of the points of intersection.  Does Maple have something similar?


Ok, here is the code I have typed and the results maple gives me... My code... int (f(t),t=t..0) What Maple gives me... (expcet is it a picture that is not showing up here.) int(-(2/3)*e^(4*t)/(exp(t)+t), t = t .. 0.) Why isn't it actually integrating? I don't need it to print me a lovely picutre, I can draw that myself (sorry, a bit frusterated, I was intergrating earlier today but not am not and don't know what I am doing differently!) Thanks, Stacey

I'm working on solving the basic 1D, transient heat transfer equation in a two layer slab configuration.  One side is insulated, the other has a constant heat flux, and there is not contact resistance between the two layers.

Hi everybody!


I am working with Maple 11.  I want to animate the trajectory of a body in free-falling.  I got almost everything but there is one more thing I want to animate and I can't find out what's the problem?  You will get in the following link the file I am working on and more clearer informations.  Thanks for any help!


Hello all,


I've been trying to add a legend to a graph in Maple 11 but have been having no luck. Here's what I tried:

plot({z, ff(z), fr(z)}, z = 0 .. 1, legend = {front, rear, ideal});

This gives me the following error:

Error, (in plot) the legend option cannot be used when plotting a set of objects


After looking in the help file I tried plotting this, which works:

plot([ff, fr], 0 .. 1, legend = [front, rear]);

Hi to everyone I'm Marco from Italy, I'm new in this forum and I've  Maple 9.

I've to use a "do while cycle", but i don't know how to do it

This is the problem: T(i+1)=T(i) + f[T(i)] until {abs[T(i+1) - T(i)]}/T(i)<0,001

can someone help me to write the correct line commands?thanx ; )

Hi, I have a pretty long symbolic expression and want to make Maple not output the function arguments in derivatives. I also want to make it print the derivatives of function of one variable as primes not D's.

For example lets take a function of one variable f()  with argument which is combination of two variables (x+y) and evaluate the partial derivative

diff(f(x+y), x);

I don't want Maple to print the argument of f() after the derivative and I want it to print the derivative of f with respect to its argument as prime not as D.

Hi all. I don't know how to plot this complex curve {z : abs(w(z))=1} , w(z)=exp(sqrt(1+z^{-2}))/{z(1+sqrt(1+z^{-2}))} Can I do it in Maple and if can pls help me.

OK I thought this would be very easy, but after much puzzling I still can not figure this out.

Let's say that I start with some explicit floating-point numbers:

a_num := 1.330 :
b_num := 2.440 :
c_num := 3.660 :

The I construct a function using these values:

func := ( a_num + b_num * x ) * exp( - c_num * x ) :

Now what I need to do is simply the opposite of this: given the function func, and given an explicit known form of the function, assign the values a, b, c. Hypothetically it would look something like this:

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