Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

We have a list of random binary numbers, say, A=[1,1,0,0,1,0]. Based upon A we want to write a matrix M=[a(i,j)] of order 5x5, where each a(i,j) is a list of length(A), comprising real numbers in closed interval [0,1]. All these reals in a(i,j) are less or equal to the corresponding entry in A.
Furthermore, the matrix rows and columns have to satisfy following conditions:

1. min(a(i,r),a(i,s))=[0,0,0,0,0,0] for every i,r,s such taht r<>s.
   min(a(r,j),a(s,j))=[0,0,0,0,0,0] for every i,r,s such taht r<>s.

In pdsolve and dsolve the answer contains  _C1  and  _F1  ( _C1 is arbitrary constant, _F1 is arbitrary function).

Instead of them I would like to obtain  [; c_1\quad F_1 ;].

How is it possible?

Thanks, Sandor

I am a new Maple user.  I am using Maple 12.

I often use search in maple help.  But I haven't found a way in the help system to locate a topic in the table of content according to the search results.

I mean:

Conduct a search with a keyword, such as 'MTM'.

Then look for the entries in the table of contents.


Anyway available? Thanks!

<p>I apologize if this seems quite basic, but that's the point where I am in learning about Maple.  I would like to define a function, take its derivative, plot it, divide it by its derivative, plot that result, etc...</p>
<p>For example: f(x) = a*x^2 + b*x + c</p>
<p>From what I've learned so far, I think I do this to define the function:</p>
<p>f := x -> a*x^2+b*x+c</p>
<p>I also seem to have learned that:</p>
<p>diff(f, x)</p>
<p>doesn't do what I want, but</p>

I'm using the instructions;

pts := [[1, 2.5092], [2, 2.1219], [3, 1.8809], [4, 1.9421], [5, 2.2572], [6, 2.7967], [7, 3.2268], [8, 4.0927], [9, 4.9853], [10,6.3753]];
fn := LeastSquares( pts, x, curve = a*x^2 + b*x + c );
plots[pointplot]( pts );

and I get the plot, but a need to take the coeficients a, b, c. How I can get them into the same program?

Thanks you. Benjamin


in areas with strong slopes the accuracy of 3-D plots is quite poor.

E. g. is in the following plot the area with the strong slope displayed angular (also dependig on the perspective).

plot3d(0.2387865921e-3*Pi*sqrt(2)*(1/(Pi*T))^(3/2)*v^2*exp(-0.1924464758e-2*v^2/T), v = 0 .. 1000, T = 0 .. 500, axes = boxed);

Is it possible to enhance the quality (resolution) of a plot in this reginons (or in the whole plot)?



How can I convert this equation v''(t)+v'(t)+v=0, to a Maple differential equation and make it solved. Thanks
1) SS (x^2 + y^2) dxdy D: y=x, y=x+a, y=a, y=3*a, a>0 2) SS ln(1+x^2+y^2) dxdy D: (x^2+y^2)=R^2 x>=0, y>=0 3) SSS x*y*z dxdydz D: x=-1 x=2 y=0 y=2 z=-2 z=2 4) S (x-y) dS L: x^2+y^2=3*x


Usuallt I am using Maple under windows xp . However my friend is using Maple 11 on MAC.

Just curious, dose the Maple on MAC has Classical Worksheet? because I want to type "pretty and proper" command....

the normal Maple has a problem with the font.....even if i change the font and the bold or itlaz, when i press "enter", the new line change back to 2d input....



In Maple 11 using document mode, there are triangles to the left of section headings that collapses and expands the section. How do I hide them on printed documents?



I'd like to have better control over formatting. It seems that Maple will put one image next to another but will only allow 1 line of text next to the images. Is there advanced formating control available?



On a preceding post, I asked if someone could help me with a problem with the equations of a system of pulleys.  It's still an open problem.  Any ideas!  Here the file:



Hallo to everybody I have some problem with the partial derivation of a matrix... I want to derive all the term of a matrix for "x". The matrix contains symbolic variable that are functions of x,y,t.  How can I do that? I attach to you my sheet,I hope that you can help me

thanks a  lot




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