Question: Copy paste at times not taking place. What is the mistake I do?

I am writing a maths books using maple now. It is fantastic to use maple for writing books in maths.



 in the polynomial x^3-3*x^2-33*x+35 This line is not copying in full line!!
Step 1: Find the sum of all the coefficients in the polynomial x^3-3*x^2-33*x+35 This line is copying in full!!
"= 1-3-33+35 = 0"
                                                 r x-1is a factor  ; 1 is a root of the polynomial.
In the next row, I copy pasted the lines above

 in the polynomial x^3-3*x^2-33*x+35 This line is not copying in full line!!

Step 1: Find the sum of all the coefficients in the polynomial x^3-3*x^2-33*x+35 This line is copying in full!!

"= 1-3-33+35 = 0"
                                                 r x-1is a factor  ; 1 is a root of the polynomial.
In the next row, I copy pasted the lines above




Can any one find the reason?






I enclose a part of my document where in I made a particular line with text and maths formats combined.Then I made changes in the line. Now copy paste does work only for the later half (both text and maths formats). The corrected first part is not being copied.

How do I do the corrections properly so that copy paste is not a problem at laer stages.

Thanks for the answer.

Ramakrishnan V

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