MaplePrimes Questions

How do I graph the first 30 minutes of this problem? T = 32+127*exp(-.3456*30) Also, when this is graphed, it is supposed to show a horizontal asymptote.
I am trying to populate a matrix using a nested for..from loop. The Maple statments below only populate the first column; any suggestions? > for i to 45 do for j from 0 by 5 to 45 > do A[i, j+1] := evalf(EllipticF(sin(i*deg2rad), sin(j))); > end do; > end do; Thank you for the assistance.
Hello, I am given a question in the form f(x)=x^delta sin(1/x) if x does not equal zero,and f(x)=0 if x = 0. the question goes on to say, where delta > 0, we know that f is continous at x=0, but is differentiable at x=o only when delta > 1. it asks me to use maple to provide evidence for this using MAPLE,s graphing features. I am not sure how to input this into MAPLE. Could someone please help? thank's a bunch I think i posted this in the wrong section before.
Hello, I am given a question in the form f(x)=x^delta sin(1/x) if x does not equal zero,and f(x)=0 if x = 0. the question goes on to say, where delta > 0, we know that f is continous at x=0, but is differentiable at x=o only when delta > 1. it asks me to use maple to provide evidence for this using MAPLE,s graphing features. I am not sure how to input this into MAPLE. Could someone please help? thank's a bunch
how do i determine the derivitive of y=lnsinx-(1/2sin^2x)
I need to plot about 44 points on an X-Y graph. All the X coordinates are given (imported from Excel) as a list. All the Y coordinates are given as a separate list. For example (roughly this is what the order of magnitudes are of the X and Y variables) X:=[380,4000,4067,...,5789] Y:=[10, 35, 56,...,82] So plot (380,10) (4000,35) (4067, 56)... (5789,82) I will worry about curve fitting and all that stuff later. I would first and foremost like to see Maple understand my data and plot it.
dear Maple Masters, i have a plotting problem about the equation |x|+|y|=5. the plot shows strange corners of the rectangle, which is absolutely incorrect as far as i'm concerned. am i wrong? or is this a bug?
Is there a way to evaluate the format of the responses and prevent the grading? In particular I want to provide feedback to students who used a comma instead of a dot in a numerical response. At this moment Maple TA cannot deal with a correct response except for the incorrect format (0,93 instead of 0.93) and evaluates the response as incorrect. There must be a way to prevent students to grade as long as there are comma´s at places where there should be dots. Harry Garst
Is there a 'search and replace' method to replace all comma´s by dots (as a decimal seperator). For example 0,78 into 0.78. At this moment several students responses were graded as incorrect while the only error they made was to provide a response using a comma instead of a dot. I can export the data file and use another program to score the responses, but there may be a much more efficient method to modify the responses. Harry Garst
Hi guys, I need to simplify tedious expressions involving products of fermionic creation/annihilation operators. I loaded the Physics package, and defined the fermionic operators c[i,spin] and C[i,spin] where i=1..4, spin=1..2 My first concern is that c[i,spin].c[i,spin] doesn't return 0, while AntiCommutator(c[i,spin],c[i,spin]) does... I don't get it. Although when I apply c[i,spin].c[i,spin] to some ket it does return 0... I'm a bit lost. Any idea?
All I have a simple Alternating Series - that will not come up with a convergent result in Maple 11. Here is the problem ... Is ... this alternating series convergent or not ? sum((-1)^n/ln(n), n = 2 .. infinity) Application of the Alternating series test says YES ... but Maple does not give a result. Thanks,
LINK to example file with Alternating Series test showing convergent test to be positive.
So I get this to calculate correctly: sum(1/n, n = 2 .. infinity); And the result is infinity - which is obviously correct. but the following does not give me a result ... sum(1/ln(n), n = 2 .. infinity); what is the trick - do i need to assume something here ? thanks, dp
I am solving a constrained maximization problem using the Lagrangian and getting back an empty set of solutions, i.e.: solns_LSW:= How do I go about diagnosing why Maple is having difficulty finding solutions? (Once I know that, I would of course also like to know how, if possible, to change the set-up so that Maple might actually find the solution(s)!) I can see that the Lagrangian becomes non-concave for cases where lambda2>p (p is one of the variables I am solving for: there are two, s and p -- see attached worksheet). This would clearly be the case for, say, p=0 optimal (which I have reason to believe it is, based on some numerical simulations I ran).
Dear all, In the attached file I try to solve expression Y for p. As Y includes dCS(p)/dp, the solve command produces an error message. I do understand that Y can't be solved for p since expression dCS(p)/dp is not fully defined. However, the result I am aiming for is simply: p = -(1/2)*(dCS(p)/dp) (with p simply being a funtion of dCS(p)/dp) Which command leads to this result? I haven't found it in the help section. Many thanks for your help! Florian View 5919_Question_solve
Hello everyone, I was wondering if the grid resolution for "patchedcontour" wireframe 3d plots is adjustable? The only setting I know of is 'numpoints', and I can set that to a high number to get a better looking 3d plot, but this results in a dense amount of wiring for the plot. So I was curious if there is a way of getting the 'better' look for a graph while keeping the number of wires low enough so that contours are easily visible (and usable). Any takers? Thanks in advance. :o)
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