Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer



we have to create program which shows chemical concentration changes, but this concentration depends on time and distance along the longitudinal axis. So we have to put numbers into the left side 41x41 matrix from 3 equations:

A:=1, B:=1,E:=0.2, Δx:=0.25,Δt:=0.025.

first when i=0;

Based on the title, once again I'll mention that the programm that I have been made by using

Maple14 could not run faster.

The function of Maple should be running effectively compared to others.

Hereby, I'll attach the programm for your further action.

That's all, thank you.

Dear Maple Users

Let the density of electronic states be denoted

i creat an animation in maple , and want to export it then use it in other presentation, such as word or powerpoint.

i try to save the animation, but fail, it is only one static picture, so how can i export it dymaticlally.

Hello to everyone

Pls help,urgent....

I need to draw the deformation of one story building (for simplicity, 4 columns and 2 floors) whose columns and floors  under influence of external load acting to the left of the building at its intersection point undergo the deform shape like S . So means that when the building moves to the right its intersection point of column and floor has some small rotation.

I am new to Maple environment...

When maple does gauss elimination for matrice(student linalg). In "edit matrice" can i solve for x1,x2,x3..?

Hello, I cannot import a 4 Mb file   (https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=8fc13b21d305c1b2&resid=8FC13B21D305C1B2!112&parid=8FC13B21D305C1B2!107&authkey=!AMlLjsY6PHKn5AQ)

(that is a symbolic expression I'd wish to manipulate) taken as a single element of a list  by  a:=ImportVector("dinner.txt", datatype = anything);

kernel says it cannot interpret file.

Is there a limit in the input file dimension ?

Heat equation


I want to parallel the following code.it is good that part1 solved by one thread and part2 solved by other thread.

please help me.it must be noted that part1 and part 2 are independent "at each" iteration.


dtheta[m](x):= theta[m-1](x)+phi[m-1](x);
dphi[m](x):= theta[m-1](x)-2*phi[m-1](x);

for i from 2 by 1 to 10 do;

# part1


i want to write a program to simulate a walk of a drunken sailor who walks out of a bar at the centre of a city. the city has a regular pattern of 24\24 square blocks. the sailor doesnt know where he is going and how to exist teh city. the question is how many blocks will he have to walk to exit the city?

let him start at the centre of the city and assume that he exists the city when he reaches either north, east, south or western borders. it can happen that he wlks...

Consider a simple polymer , which consist of long chains of simple molecules attached to each other, e.g:


If the interaction energy between consecutive sections ca be ignored or is low enough, the chain can be bend around at varios places to form varios configurations. One can start by  fixing the first section to a particular co-ordinate and then add additional components by use of random walk with...

Hi everyone,
While I am getting more and more comfortable with the document mode, I have some questions regarding the document block feature:
- What is a document block good for anyway?
- Why not have the whole document in one block?
- Can one join two document blocks?
- when do I "remove the document block"
- How can I make sure that say an informational 2-D math expression inside a document block never gets executed?
-- Can I still...

Hello!  I am writing a Grassmann multiplication operator:

define('`&*`', 'multilinear', 'flat', 'identity' = 1)

So that it automatically constructs operators like &*(arg1, arg2,arg3 ...)

Now I want to teach Maple how to transforms &* with ARBITRARY number of arguments.

How to create a pattern for that?  (to be added to "define")

Can anyone explain these results?  I m trying to check on a more complicated form of this expression, but cannot proceed without understanding what is occurring in this case.

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