Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer
Hello there,   the attached worksheet gives several examples of how to create implicit plots without commands and with commands.  
The attached worksheet starts off with two quick videos that show you how to write square roots, fractions and exponents. Feel free to create and attach a worksheet with all of your questions and math expressions. I'll go thought it and help out !  

Can anyone help with a purely Maple solution to this problem? (i.e. not having to download anything extra.)


Just for reference I'm woking on problem number 26 in "Schaum's Outline Series " for tensor Calculus.

It gives you a Schwarzchild metric and asks you to calculate the Einstein Tensor.  I'm using the example of doing this that's given in the "tensor" package help pages.  However I'm not getting quite the right answer.

is possible to continue a numerical integration from a know point and add the solution the the know one?
if I have:
P=dsolve(... range=0..1)
and I want continue the integration until 3 (so without reintegrate the 0..1 interval) and add that solution tothe first one.

Hi! My problem is the following: v := Vector([v1, v2]); m := Matrix([[m11, m12], [m21, m22]]); C := m.v; Then Maple returns with C in the following form: m11*beta+m12*r m21*beta+m22*r And I want Maple to return in the form: [m11 m12 * [v1 m21 m22] v2] Thanks!


I have some numerical data (-> data2.txt) for a velocity profile (x- and y- coordinate with corresponding velocity). I would like to compare this data with a analytical function (3D plot -> Maple file).

Do anybody know, how

#1 to get the data - points in the 3D plot and

#2 how to determine the error between the data - points and the 3D plot?



  Hi there !   The attached worksheet has exciting animations made entirely through equations that we are familiar with from high school. The worksheet has an animation of a bouncing ball. No longer do you need a $500 camera to take photos to illustrate the sequence of motion - because Maple has that feature built - in !   Feel free to ask questions or add your worksheets to further develop mathematical animations.

If i use dsolve for solve numerically a ODEs with classical methods, it seems that it isn't possible use the option range=a..b, so for every plot that i want graph using odeplot, i need to integrate the equation! Is there any way to store the results as dsolve do when is used the range option with rk45 method?

I tried using the Maplet Builder in Maple 12, and also looking up some links in the Maple Help section but found it rather confusing. Are there any particular sections in Maple Help or on the Internet that are helpful with Maplets, cause there are so many.

I need to create a maplet in which the user inputs the angle of entry, the angle of emergence, and the wavelength of a light ray entering a transparent block.

Also need a model/diagram of the result with the appropriate angles.

View 9573_Assessed_Project_1_-_Curves_on_a_Plane.mw on MapleNet or Download 9573_Assessed_Project_1_-_Curves_on_a_Plane.mw
View file details

hi, i need help with finding minimum near the end

cant seem to find an operation in doing so

really need some help and assistance



The attached worksheet shows you how to determine the arc length function and calculate the arc length of a function. The Arc Lengths Tutor will improve your understanding and help you with your homework ! You can also skip right away to an interactive video tutorial:

(Ctrl + Click)

Video Tutorial: Arc Lengths

Feel free to drop some comments !


Hi there ! The attached worksheet has a good review on the theory of determining volumes of solids through the method called "volume by cylindrical shells". You can also view an interactive video that shows you how to use Maple's powerful Volume by Revolution tutor that will help you with your homework.

(Ctrl + click on link)

<a href="http://www.maplesoft.com/demo/adoption/volume_by_cylindrical_shells.

The following video shows you a bit of the wonders of Maple and how it improves your learning experience.


Please help me check the attached worksheet. I defined the target functions by two ways: factor one parameter delta out in two terms or totally expand them (you can uncomment the definition to play by the remarks). The plots drawn or the evaluation done in the end are quite different. When Maple do maximization or evaluation, what is the difference between these two "algebraic identical" forms?

I know this is petty but it is driving me mad....

In maple 11 if you made a change to character style (via format\ styles\) it used to be saved and remain changed if you closed maple and reopened another day. Now the changed styles only stick for the worksheet in which you made the changes.

How do I make styles stick long term?


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