Amir Saman Mir

85 Reputation

3 Badges

4 years, 262 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Amir Saman Mir

hello maple world, in the following code (code attached at the bottom) i wish to select the terms which have the term so i used the "select" command for this task

but as u can see from the results it also selects other terms which is wrong. so what is the mistake here

thanks in advance

Hey dear friends, in the following code (which is also attached at bottom of this post)

Setup(mathematicalnotation = true);
Setup(op = {H, I__C, I__G, Omega, R, a_, p, r, rho, v_, `α_`, `ω_`, `ϰ_`})
Newton_generalized_MatForm := m*(Omega*rho*H(t)*diff(`ϰ_`(t), t) - rho*diff(H(t), t)*diff(`ϰ_`(t), t) - rho*H(t)*diff(`ϰ_`(t), t, t) + diff(v_(t), t)) = f_[c] + f_[g]

 i wish to get the  (kappa-dot) coefficients 

so I used the "Coefficients" function as follows:

Coefficients(Newton_generalized_MatForm, diff(varkappa_(t), t))

but the results aren't as expected and it's this:

so is there a way around this , thanks in advance

Setup(mathematicalnotation = true);

Setup(op = {Omega, r});


which outputs this:

i want to substitute  Physics:-`*` which is an overloaded version of matrice multiplication with the default one which is `.` so I wrote the following code :

use   `*`= :-`.` in
a := m*Omega^2*r
end use

the result is the same and its not substitute the physics product with the default one. what is the mistake here?

I also tried the following code and its worked. but I want to make it work with the 'use' function for general purposes

lprint(m . (:-`.`(Omega^2, r)))

thanks in advance

Hey guys im using maple 2022 with last version of Physics package (version 2022) , I know my question might be stupid but in the following expression 

Setup(mathematicalnotation = true);
Setup(op = {I__b, I__s, Omega, `ω_`});
eval(I__b . (diff(`&omega;_`(t), t)), {I__b = <<I__1 | 0 | 0>, <0 | I__2 | 0>, <0 | 0 | I__3>>, `&omega;_`(t) = <omega[1](t), omega[2](t), omega[3](t)>})

I want to get the following as result

but I keep getting the unevaluated one as follows

What am I doing wrong here, 

thanks in advance




Hey guys I need help solving the following system of trigonometric equations

invEqs := [a[3]*cos(theta[1] + theta[2] + theta[3]) + a[2]*cos(theta[1] + theta[2]) + a[1]*cos(theta[1]) = px, a[3]*sin(theta[1] + theta[2] + theta[3]) + a[2]*sin(theta[1] + theta[2]) + a[1]*sin(theta[1]) = py, theta[1] + theta[2] + theta[3] = phi]

which everything except theta[1], theta[2], theta[3] are known.


here what I came up with but no success

res := solve(invEqs, {theta[2], theta[3], sin(theta[1])})

or better be like this but no output printed

res := solve(invEqs, {theta[1], theta[3], cos(theta[2])})

thanks in advance

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