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5 years, 146 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Anthrazit

I've got App Vulnerabilities for those Apache Software apps.

  • Apache Software Foundation Commons Text 1.9
  • Apache Software Foundation log4j 1.2
  • Apache Software Foundation Commons Collections 3.2.1

Unfortunately I haven't found out where those apps are used yet.

And I don't know which versions Maple is using, I'm just referring to the Maple Help - copyright, where versions are listed. If you follow the link in the copyright page, you'll find that there are newer versions available.

Glad that this finally fixed in 2023.2.

Same error for max() by the way.


I do not have any overview about where I am using the min() function in my code, and neither have the intention to search for it either.

I have one occurence where I experienced the crash, and have removed loading the units package in that case. This package is dealing with xml input- and output, and it seems to work without the units package. Almost all of the other packages need the Units package.

The only feasible workaround here is reinstalling Maple 2023 and drop the update. But that's no good solution either, because the would need to be done on all of the PC's in the office.

In my opinion Maple either should pull the Update at once, or provide a fix asap.


Right now there are no other things I am aware of, but I have not checked the other stuff that was fixed in the last releases either. So there might have been other things which are not working anymore in the latest release.

I've had couple of posts about the same thing over the last couple of years, and honestly speaking my patience is not as good as it was in the beginning.

Here are some examples:


@Joe Riel 

Thanks for the information.

I've struggled a bit when mixing elements that used draw and other elements that were lists of graphic elements in a list.

I'm using it to switch elements/layers in a graphics on and off.

Here's part of the code that deals with the plotting.

geometryList := [op(geometryList), op(segmentlist)];
beams := convert(beams, list);
plotitems := [op(beams)];

if GetProperty("CheckBox_GraphicsShowAnnotations", value) = "true" then
               plotitems := [op(plotitems), op(annotations)]
end if;
if GetProperty("CheckBox_GraphicsShowDistances", value) = "true" then
                plotitems := [op(plotitems), op(distances)]
end if;
if GetProperty("CheckBox_GraphicsShowForces", value) = "true" then
                plotitems := [op(plotitems), op(displayForceVectors)]
end if;            
SetProperty("Plot_result", value, display(geometry:-draw(geometryList), plotitems));

As you see, plotitems is a list of graphic elements that can be expanded. What I haven't managed to do is putting the geometryList elements, where elements that need to be called by the draw command, to the list as well.

It's no big deal, as I could go around the problem in that case.


Somehow I got confused by the names of the variables I chose, thanks for the example.

Works actually as expected.


...spending the rest of the day in the corner of shame.


Have a look at that one.


That was not the whole code of the procedure - here it is.

Segment2Arrow := proc(segm)
    uses geometry;
    description "Annotation dimension";
    local a, b, c;

        a := map(coordinates, DefinedAs(segm))[1];
        b := map(coordinates, DefinedAs(segm))[2];
    catch "wrong type of arguments":
        Alert(cat("Error, (in geometry:-DefinedAs) wrong type of arguments, variable segm: ", whattype(segm), segm), table(), 5)
    end try;
    c := (a + b) / 2;
    return plots:-arrow(c, [a - c, b - c], width = 0.5, color = grey)
end proc:

@Rouben Rostamian  

I've had a look at the arrow(s) functions, but they do seem to have just an arrowhead at one end. Didn't see anything where I could define arrows in both ends.


I do actually see other choices for those scenarios.

  1. A segment could be treated in the same way as a line. In that case both intersections or projections could be outside of the line.
  2. They could return a "false" value, if the points are outside.

Personally I think I'd like the first solution best.

In that case I'd expect the geometry:-IsOnLine function to return true if the point is on the segment, or false of it outside.


For the moment I'll have to accept that code is called twice.

But someone from Maple should have a look at that.


The solution with a button is not an option. Here's a screenshot of a part of the input in my sheet, and that is just a part of it. Every change in the input fields should trigger one - and only one - call to the software.

But I've played around a bit more with different other components, and this one is a bit interesting. The slider doesn't give multiple calls, but the Maplet apparently does. Even stranger is a combo of a slider and the Maplet.


This one pops up 2 times only, which is the same amount that I have in my real code.

I don't think that the problem is in the Maplets package, due to the behaviour in the other code which is including a couple of subroutines.

The problem apparently is in the DocumentTools package.

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