
68 Reputation

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18 years, 47 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Arthur75

Hello everybody, I guess this is a pretty basic question but couldn't find how to do it ... So I have some functions that I would like to plot with n as a variable and putting some fix values for the other parameters. So for instance I have below functions : [IMG][/IMG] And I would like to plot them on the same diagram with n ranging from 1 to 20, C=100, e=1, and h=2.8 How do I do that ? :?
Already posted this in my previous thread, but as it is different from the initial topic thought I would post it seperately So I'm playing with integer series and polynoms and it looks like Maple makes mistakes !! What am I doing wrong in below sheet ? View on MapleNet or Download
View file details The result provided by Maple is obviously wrong as all these functions should be positive.
Hello there I'm a newbie, both here and to Maple ! :) So I am playing around with some polynoms on integers that I would like to further use in Python programs. Maple is really great to help me get these polynoms, but the problem is that I would like to have them formated in the end with a big numerator over a single denominator, so that python makes the right computations on integers. So for instance, instead of : P(n) = 1/3*n^3 + 1/2*n^2 + 1/6*n I would like to have : P(n) = (2*n^3 + 3*n^2 + 1)/6 (if this is with a big horizontal line of course perfectly ok) Is there a special formating/simplication/transformation function that is available in Maple to get that ?
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