
980 Reputation

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18 years, 250 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Earl

@Carl Love Good advice. I will follow it.

@acer Thank you for this. I will avoid using concatenated names from now on.

@acer I was not aware of the power of rationalize, so thank you for showing this to me.

@Rouben Rostamian  The solution to Harvard problem 15 is interesting. I was not up to it myself, but I found it and copied it from some web site, though I've since lost that location's address.

@mmcdara I am impressed and astounded that a physics problem can be solved by a completely non-physics approach. Bully for you!

@Rouben Rostamian  Another great reply from you!

From an old list of Harvard weekly problems; with a given mass and a uniform density, this shape produces the greatest gravitational force at the origin.

@gkokovidis Based on djc561's recommendation above, I am exploring Micro-Cap at this time.

Depending on how I do, I may go on to explore your recommendation.

@djc I have installed Micro-Cap and begun to practice its capabilities by following Chapter 3 of the user manual.

I am deeply impressed by its sophistication, which is far above my needs. Hopefully I can become familiar enough with its simpler features to do simple circuit analysis.

Thank you very much for the reference

@tomleslie I'll do as you suggest.

@acer I would like to use a component featured circuit analyser but can't justify the cost of MapleSim.


I greatly appreciate the time you have taken to give me an example of a Syrup analysis.

Far from an expert, I have only ever dealt with simple LRC circuits so Syrup may have all the capability I need.

Is there a better free package for simple circuit analysis?

In your example, is LPckt a Spice-like circuit definition? Is it better to use this than the ladder specification of a circuit?

Is there anywhere a collection of Syrup examples to which you can refer me?

@Joe Riel Thanks for the quick response.

I will give the cloud version of Syrup a try.

@acer Thanks for the advice.

I have attempted the same display using fieldplot and it works well.

However I find fieldplot3d's displays are hard to visualize e.g. the magnetic field through a current carrying ring. Do you have any advice for improving the appearance of this kind of display?


@vv Thank you vv. Please see my reply to Carl Love

@Carl Love My intent was to display the magnetic field surrounding two current carrying wires, one coming out of the xy plane, the other going into the xy plane. It seems the third term in the expression Bst should be y rather than zero.

It also seems I do not fully understand the effect in a 2 dimension contourplot of plotting a three term expression.

I thank you for prompting me to re-examine my intent.

BTW, contours show magnetic field lines but without field direction i.e. without showing north vs. south poles. Is there a neat way to add arrow heads to the contours in a contourplot?

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