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18 years, 101 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Earl

@acer Between this reply of yours and the previous one, as a blind stab, I replaced the faulty libname command with one from an operating worksheet and the problem disappeared.

I admire your perceptiveness in finding my problem!

All that's left is to wonder at the resulting error messages, which give no hint of their cause.

Thank you for your timely help!


Thank you for your quick reply.

### I just replaced the libname command in the "troubled" worksheet with apparently the same command from a previously working worksheet and the problem no longer occurs. ###

### Somehow I corrupted the libname command in the problem worksheet and replacing it fixed the problem. ##

I have many operating worksheets beginning with the same libname command so I don't understand what you mean by "augment libname" .

Does your phrase "commands out of order" mean that all procedures do not precede the commands invoking them?

This is because I have modified large sections of the worksheet several times and have not bothered to make it neater.

I usually do that after I manage to get a significant part of a worksheet to work correctly.

That is the case here. I have just debugged the commands preceding: 

display(DispLC, DispUC, DispTL1, DispTL2, DispInvCircleRight, DispInvCircleLeft, scaling = constrained, axes = boxed). 

Commands following this one (including the final plot command which you mention) are as yet untested and mostly likely will be discarded.

Since my worksheet is only partially debugged I expect further "normal" error messages but the strange one I quoted appeared without my altering the worksheet at all.

Should I completely re-write the worksheet's working portion in a new worksheet, or is my Maple 2020 itself corrupted and needing to be replaced?

@acer Thank you for your excellent (and rapid) correction!

@acer Thank you for showing me that showstat can be used on a procedure

@acer Is there any logical way to come up with the values that your reply contains in the eval command which lead to appropriate ellipsoidal coordplot3d ranges, or is there only trial and error?

@C_R Your additional reply here is a wonderful investigation of this situation. I will download your solution and take the time to underdstand it (I hope!).

@Rouben Rostamian  Thank you for this recommendation. I was impressed along with Carl Love.

Page 85 in the book Why cats land on their feet introduces the case of a person walking on a rotating platform.

My worksheet animates the differential equation describing this situation on pages 183 and 184.

Unfortunately the author, Mark Levi, does not describe the path taken by the walking person except to infer that he/she is doing so at a constant, unstated velocity.

The motions shown in the youtube video are more interesting. It would ilike to see the development of equations determining the ball's various motions. 

@Carl Love Can a cylinder or a sphere such as you cite be self propelled in any way? If not, then the worksheet must stay unmodified.

@dharr Useful info;- Thank you.

@Carl Love Thanks for the quick reply!

@dharr Your suggestion would save a lot of computation. Thanks for this.

@Ronan Thank you for your attention and your reference. I'm afraid the contents of the paper you referenced is far over my head. However I will continue to explore this subject. 

@Carl Love From the referenced text by Brannan et. al.;

(The procedure rho) is the hyperbolic reflection (of point z) in the hyperbolic line that is part of a Euclidean circle with centre alpha.

How can the Mobius transformation in rho calculate a hyperbolic reflection of a point without requiring input of a radius of the circle referred to? Are not both a centre and a radius required to define the hyperbolic line of reflection?

My procedure InversePtMobius does require both of these inputs and only reproduces the output of procedure rho when InversePtMobius a centre of alpha and a radius of 1. This is why it seems to me that procedure rho assumes a radius of 1. 

*** I just realized that any given centre of the circle mentioned above implies its radius under the condition that the circle meets the Poincare disk at right angles. ***

I therefore withdraw my Maple Primes question

@mmcdara I have examined your reply to my question and admire your logic.

I have one question.

Apparently the correct animation requires that the pursuer velocity V__P be a specific ratio of the target velocity V__T.

I tried executing the logic using a slightly different ratio and the pursuers stopped short of capturing the target.

Why this specific ratio required and how did you find it?

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