
17 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 361 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by EricDB

Okay, I know Maple's not giving the wrong answer...I'm sure I'm just asking the wrong way. When I ask for the standard deviation (Statistics:StandardDeviation) of a list of individual data samples, I get the expected answer. However, when I provide a list of values and a list of frequencies, I don't get the answer I'm expecting. Hopefully the attached worksheet will make my problem obvious. View on MapleNet or
Hi, I just bought Maple, and I'm really excited about it. I'm poking around in Maple, trying to get comfortable with it, by entering in a problem from my physics class. In this class, we use SI units, except that we express our angles in degrees. I'm trying to find an easy way to have the trigonometric functions take degree arguments. I tried "with(Units); with(Units[Natural])", and entered an expression this way: "R_x = R*sin(15*deg)", and that almost worked. There were two problems, though: 1. R is apparently a unit in its own right...not *too* much of a problem (I can choose another letter), but annoying.
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