
25 Reputation

4 Badges

9 years, 240 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Feenix

I got a set like this one:

g:={{3, 4, 5}, {5, 12, 13}, {6, 8, 10}, {7, 24, 25}, {8, 15, 17},

  {9, 12, 15}, {9, 40, 41}, {10, 24, 26}, {12, 16, 20},

  {12, 35, 37}, {14, 48, 50}, {15, 20, 25}, {15, 36, 39},

  {16, 30, 34}, {18, 24, 30}, {20, 21, 29}, {21, 28, 35},

  {24, 32, 40}, {27, 36, 45}}

And i want to count how many time a number apper in this set. Like an example:

3 appear 1

4 appear 1

5 appear 2.

Thank for your reading, :)

Sorry for my bad english :)

I copy a program from a book and try to run it, but when i try to run it return:

too many levels of recursion

Here is my program:

Hope every one can help me solve this problem. Thank!

Assume i got an equation like f(x):=2*x-tan(x); how to us solve or other function to give me that this equation got 2 root: x=1/2*(tan(x)) and x=arctan(2x).

^^ hope everyone can help.

Thank for spend time reading.

To saving my time i create a function like this:


local ll,r,r1,r2,r3;


 But when i run it, it is only give me the result of solve05(ll). when i run alone from solve01 to solve05 it still give me result.

I also try:


It still the same :(

Hello everyone! I got some trouble in process a list. Hope you can help:

Assume i got a list like this:


{{k = k, l = RootOf(_Z^2+_Z*k+k^2-1), o = -k-RootOf(_Z^2+_Z*k+k^2-1)}, {k = k, l = RootOf(_Z^2+_Z*k+k^2+1), o = -k-RootOf(_Z^2+_Z*k+k^2+1)}, {k = 0, l = 1, o = -1}, {k = 0, l = -1, o = 1}, {k = 1, l = 0, o = -1}, {k = 1, l = -1, o = 0}, {k = -1, l = 0, o = 1}, {k = -1, l = 1, o = 0}, {k = RootOf(_Z^2+1), l = 0, o = -RootOf(_Z^2+1)}, {k = RootOf(_Z^2+1), l = -RootOf(_Z^2+1), o = 0}}


Now all i want is remove Complex and RootOf from this list, how can i do that?

Thank for your reading adn your help!

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