
95 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 107 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Heinrich

Dear All,

I am trying to formulate and solve a linear system of equations to determine the 15 unknowns (link to the script below.) The funcion solve does not seem to return a vlaue due to the lengthy and complex nature of the equations neither do linsolve or LinearSolve. I am wondering whether there exists an argument of another trick that can be employed in order to tackle with such complicated systems. Any help or hint is highly appreciated and desirable.

Thank you,


Federiko script: SolveLinearSystem.mw


Dear All,

I am actively using Maple for scientific research but I am obliged to use xkill several times a day (~70 times) and restart Maple again since the software freezes and completely stops after a few minutes. I was wondering whether this is an issue with the present verison (Maple 15) and that upgrading to a latest version is inevitable. Your help is highly appreciated.


Thank you


Dear all,

I would like to evaluate a double integral numerically. The integrand is a complicated function of the variables beta and s, with complex values. The computation lasts for decades without obtaining a result.

I was wondering whether there exists subroutines / methods / tricks that could be helpful to accelerate the integration process. I have attached a Maple script of the double integral of interest. Rough precision would be fine (4 or 5 digits).

Any help would be highly appreciated.




Hi guys,

I would like to compute the complex roots of the following equations

u*(BesselJ(0,u)^2 + BesselJ(1,u)^2) = 2 BesselJ(0,u)*BesselJ(1,u)

The function fsolve in Maple gives only 0. I was wondering whether other complex solutions could be obtained as well.

Your help is highly appreciated.



Hi all,

I am trying to plot in semilog scale a function involving products of exponential integrals and complex exponentials. For small and moderate values of the argument, the plot is well shown. However, for larger values the plot shows strong fluctuations. I was wondering how one can deal with such a problem. Any help is highly appreciated.

Please refer to the attached script for the functio of interest.




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