
77 Reputation

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17 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by HyperActive

Thanks so much for all the help guys!  I got to the bottom of the problem by setting a range on the Zc parameter (parameterranges ) and fixing a problem I had with weights in the 10^30 order of magnitude.  I no longer need to use piecewise - just this:

The help was greatly apreciated everyone!



Thanks for the prompt and insightful help everyone!!  These forums are definitely one of Maple's strong benifits =]



You're the man acer; I love the detail!  I'm pumped to sneak into my lab over the weekend to try this out!  I'll let you know how it goes, thanks a bunch!


You guys are great; thanks for the quick responses!  I've spent a few hours documenting & cleaning up the Maple12 worksheet and uploaded it here: http://www.mapleprimes.com/files/9883_debug%20help.mw .

You might have hit the nail on the head when you suggest that 'i' may not be free.  I actually do use i1,i2,i3,...i35 earlier on in the program but I don't touch 'i' by itself.  Regardless I'm going to try using a different variable in order to fix this possible source of error.

Thanks for taking the time out and looking at this!


error in formatting, please refer to http://www.mapleprimes.com/forum/toomanylevelsrecusion0

Brilliant!  Thanks Doug, unapply does the job :-).  My only issue now is that when I use it in a loop I get the error "too many levels of recursion"...  I'm going to wade through the help files and try to figure this out but I'll be back in case I get stuck ;-).  Thanks again!



Thank you Robert, that was EXACTLY what I was looking for!!! That saves me from writing a proc() function to dissect all these simple integrals.  Maple is SUCH a powerful tool and it must be a joy to know it so well.

Now I'm faced with another dilemma.  The answer to this integral is a pretty complicated function of α, γ, β, and λ.  I'd like to sub different numbers into these parameters to try and find a minimum (numerically instead of analytically).

My question is, how do I turn an answer like this into a function after it has been generated?

Detailed Explanation:
I know that as you generate an assignment [ie F:=(α+γ)3/(β+α2)8 ] you can make it a function [ie F:=(α, γ, β)->(α+γ)3/(β+α2)8 ].  But lets say F:=OVM(3,7,2) where OVM is a procedure [ie OVM:=proc(i,j,k) local f,g,h;] that generates some complicated functions of α, γ, and β.  Now F is actually an assignment with α, γ, and β but if you were to write F:=(α, γ, β)->OVM(3,7,2) you would get "Error, invalid parameters for inline function".  Is there any way to turn that assignment now into a function?

Wow, great stuff; thanks for the help!  I'll tinker with these suggestions and let you know how it goes.  Thanks especially for the promptness!


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