
77 Reputation

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17 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by HyperActive

@acer you're such a boss!  Everytime I come here with problems you always seem to have the answer :) thanks brother

Hi again acer :)

It looks like you summed the squares of the differences (between the data points & fitted values) and used Minimize() to find the minmum in that big mess in a range of Zc's.  It's not the sort-of out-of-the-box routine that I was hoping for but it got the job done so that's great.  However, I'm now trying to introduce uncertainties into the data points (attached: mapehelp2.mw) and find the corresponding uncertainty in the fitted parameters (Zc specifically).  I was hoping Maple would have an easy solution to doing this without requiring the user to have in depth knowledge regression analysis.  What's your advice on moving forward with uncertainties:

  • Is there a "pre-packaged" Maple routine that can do this for me or will I have to write my own (with minimize() perhaps)?
  • If Minimize() is the solution for me there a more thorough tutorial than the "?Minimize" help page for me to learn it's usage?

Thanks for reading and thanks so much for the feedback!



Hi again acer :)

It looks like you summed the squares of the differences (between the data points & fitted values) and used Minimize() to find the minmum in that big mess in a range of Zc's.  It's not the sort-of out-of-the-box routine that I was hoping for but it got the job done so that's great.  However, I'm now trying to introduce uncertainties into the data points (attached: mapehelp2.mw) and find the corresponding uncertainty in the fitted parameters (Zc specifically).  I was hoping Maple would have an easy solution to doing this without requiring the user to have in depth knowledge regression analysis.  What's your advice on moving forward with uncertainties:

  • Is there a "pre-packaged" Maple routine that can do this for me or will I have to write my own (with minimize() perhaps)?
  • If Minimize() is the solution for me there a more thorough tutorial than the "?Minimize" help page for me to learn it's usage?

Thanks for reading and thanks so much for the feedback!



I've never used the Optimization package or Minimize() before so I have some research to do.  Each of my data points has an associated uncertainty so I'll need to find not only the parameter values but also the corresponding uncertainty in Zc.

Thanks for the quick response acer! I think you've helped me in the past.  These forums are one of the best features of Maple!! :)



I've never used the Optimization package or Minimize() before so I have some research to do.  Each of my data points has an associated uncertainty so I'll need to find not only the parameter values but also the corresponding uncertainty in Zc.

Thanks for the quick response acer! I think you've helped me in the past.  These forums are one of the best features of Maple!! :)



I didn't realized Maple needed double backslashes in the path of a filename to locate them.  You're the man buddy!


I didn't realized Maple needed double backslashes in the path of a filename to locate them.  You're the man buddy!


Thanks acer, I didn't even think of the eval command, that gives me another option to try for better efficiency and debugging.

As far as the code goes, I spent some time cleaning it up and documenting it as much as possible.  I really appreciate you taking the time out to help me with this problem.  I've attached the maple12 worksheet to this message, let me know where I've gone wrong.

View 9883_debug help.mw on MapleNet or Download 9883_debug help.mw
View file details

Thanks for the help!!


Thanks acer, I didn't even think of the eval command, that gives me another option to try for better efficiency and debugging.

As far as the code goes, I spent some time cleaning it up and documenting it as much as possible.  I really appreciate you taking the time out to help me with this problem.  I've attached the maple12 worksheet to this message, let me know where I've gone wrong.

View 9883_debug help.mw on MapleNet or Download 9883_debug help.mw
View file details

Thanks for the help!!


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