
77 Reputation

5 Badges

17 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by HyperActive

I'm trying to animate transparency, here's are the plots:

A :=tranz-> plot3d(-2/sqrt(x^2+y^2)+5/sqrt((x-1.6)^2+y^2), x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, view = [-5 .. 5, -5 .. 5, -5 .. 5], transparency = tranz) end proc;
B := sphere([0, 0, 0], 2*(1/10), color = magenta, style = patchnogrid):
C := sphere([1.6, 0, 0], 5*(1/10), color = green, style = patchnogrid);
E := plot3d(0, x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, view = [-5 .. 5, -5 .. 5, -5 .. 5], style = wireframe, shading = zgrayscale):

here I am displaying them without a problem:

display(A(.5), B, C, E, scaling = constrained, view = [-5 .. 5, -5 .. 5, -5 .. 5], axes = normal)

here I am trying to animate the transparency in plot A to no avail :( :

animate(display, [A(tranz), B, C, E, scaling = constrained, view = [-5 .. 5, -5 .. 5, -5 .. 5], axes = normal], tranz = 0.1 .. 0.9)
Error, (in plot3d) expecting option transparency to be of type {"default", realcons} but received tranz

if you guys could help me find where I'm going wrong I'd be super grateful :D

thanks everyone.



Hello again Maple forums, it's been a while but I'm confident I came to the right place :)

I'm trying to fit our data (attached: maphelp.mw) to this function of Z:


It has the linear parameters a-f...

Hi there,

Here's an example maple file with my problem:

f := a*b;
B[1] := a;
B[2] := b;

when I try...

sum((diff(f, B[j]))^2, j = 1 .. 2);

I just get the answer of zero instead of b+a.

Any idea why this is happening and how I might be able to fix it?


-Mike Busuttil
University of Windsor
Drake Research Group

Hi everyone,

I've been tinkering with this problem for the past week but I'm suck :S!  I've tried google, mapleprimes, and the maple help file and nothing.

It's really a quite bizzare problem where I can use a procdure that I've defined... so long as I don't use it in a loop :S.

The procudure (called OVLM) takes 2 numbers as inputs and outputs an algebraic expression with 4 parameters as outputs.

> OVLM(3,7);

<p style="text-align: left;">Hi everyone,<br />
<br />
I've been tinkering with this problem for the past week but I'm suck :S!  I've tried google, mapleprimes, and the maple help file and nothing.<br />
<br />
It's really a quite bizzare problem where I can use a procdure that I've defined... so long as I don't use it in a loop :S.<br />
<br />
The procudure (called OVLM) takes 2 numbers as inputs and outputs an algebraic expression with 4 parameters as outputs.<br />
<p style="text-align: left;">------------------------<br />
<b>Example:</b><br />
> OVLM(3,7);</p>
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