
94 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 279 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Irving


I just  already plot without any arrow. I follow  Robert Israel  advice. But  in Y axes only appear N1 how can I list the others ?

I mean to put in Y axes  N2 and N3.






I just  already plot without any arrow. I follow  Robert Israel  advice. But  in Y axes only appear N1 how can I list the others ?

I mean to put in Y axes  N2 and N3.





Thanks  for your comments. I do not really want any arrow in my graph. I only want to study the solution for  some parameters and differents initial conditions in one graph. ( I mean for  the equations listed above)  How Can I Plot without arrow , with continuos line is Okey .

I will wait your comment and advices


Thanks  for your comments. I do not really want any arrow in my graph. I only want to study the solution for  some parameters and differents initial conditions in one graph. ( I mean for  the equations listed above)  How Can I Plot without arrow , with continuos line is Okey .

I will wait your comment and advices


Sure you are right. But I do not have experience in this staff and I do not know what criterion do I have to use. Let me know in maple where I can read about it. Thanks


Sure you are right. But I do not have experience in this staff and I do not know what criterion do I have to use. Let me know in maple where I can read about it. Thanks


I will see this examples, I hope this can help ...Any coment I let you know, Thanks

I will see this examples, I hope this can help ...Any coment I let you know, Thanks

Thank you very much for your answer. Sure I do have to be more specific.

The equation is.

edoq:=diff(N(t),t) -kappa/(q-1)*( 1- (N(t)/K )^(q) - (1-N(t)/K)^(q))=0;

As we see this equation is high non linear , We can solve for some speciific kappa , K and q. (These are parameters)

The problem is that.  I want to compare with some experimental data. In order to validate this model. For example I give some expecific initials conditions a some values for kappa, K and q. I use the following parameters: q = 0.94, K = 2.2 , kappa = 0.06314, The initial condition is N(t= 13.2621)= 0.0012 ;

And this is the experimetal data:

X:=VectorApplyFunction( [0.0012  0.0017 0.0031 0.0063  0.0174 0.0317 0.0598 0.0821 0.1501 0.2061 0.2742 0.3534 0.4852 0.5337 0.6059
  0.7565 1.0723  1.1068  1.2173]  ,datatype=float);

Y:=VectorApplyFunction( [13.2621   14.0740 15.4272  16.7803   18.1335 19.2161 20.5692 21.6518 23.0049 24.0875 25.1700 26.5232  27.3351 28.6883 29.2295                           
30.5827   32.4772  34.1010 34.6422 ]  ,datatype=float);  

Please Let me know, How Can I do for solve this problem.

Thanks in Avance.









Thank you very much for your answer. Sure I do have to be more specific.

The equation is.

edoq:=diff(N(t),t) -kappa/(q-1)*( 1- (N(t)/K )^(q) - (1-N(t)/K)^(q))=0;

As we see this equation is high non linear , We can solve for some speciific kappa , K and q. (These are parameters)

The problem is that.  I want to compare with some experimental data. In order to validate this model. For example I give some expecific initials conditions a some values for kappa, K and q. I use the following parameters: q = 0.94, K = 2.2 , kappa = 0.06314, The initial condition is N(t= 13.2621)= 0.0012 ;

And this is the experimetal data:

X:=VectorApplyFunction( [0.0012  0.0017 0.0031 0.0063  0.0174 0.0317 0.0598 0.0821 0.1501 0.2061 0.2742 0.3534 0.4852 0.5337 0.6059
  0.7565 1.0723  1.1068  1.2173]  ,datatype=float);

Y:=VectorApplyFunction( [13.2621   14.0740 15.4272  16.7803   18.1335 19.2161 20.5692 21.6518 23.0049 24.0875 25.1700 26.5232  27.3351 28.6883 29.2295                           
30.5827   32.4772  34.1010 34.6422 ]  ,datatype=float);  

Please Let me know, How Can I do for solve this problem.

Thanks in Avance.









Thanks for answer, you are right . I am so sorry,  I made a big  mistake writting the PDE system. Well the right one is:

PDE:= [diff(u(x,t),t)= u(x,t)*(1-u(x,t))*[u(x,t) -v(x,t)]+ diff(u(x,t),x,x), diff(v(x,t),t)=u(x,t)-v(x,t)];
IBC :=  {u(x, 0) = tanh(x), v(x, 0) = 0};
pds := pdsolve(PDE,IBC,[u,v],numeric);

That is the error 

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric) initial/boundary conditions must be defined at one or two points for each independent variable

How can I solve  this problem ?  , Thanks you for your attention.



Thanks for answer, you are right . I am so sorry,  I made a big  mistake writting the PDE system. Well the right one is:

PDE:= [diff(u(x,t),t)= u(x,t)*(1-u(x,t))*[u(x,t) -v(x,t)]+ diff(u(x,t),x,x), diff(v(x,t),t)=u(x,t)-v(x,t)];
IBC :=  {u(x, 0) = tanh(x), v(x, 0) = 0};
pds := pdsolve(PDE,IBC,[u,v],numeric);

That is the error 

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric) initial/boundary conditions must be defined at one or two points for each independent variable

How can I solve  this problem ?  , Thanks you for your attention.



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