J F Ogilvie

258 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 149 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by J F Ogilvie

In the news today we read that a 'W boson' fails to conform to the 'Standard [?] Model', which means that the time expended to develop this package might have been more fruitfully applied ot solutions of differential equations and special functions.

What Dr. Cheb-Terrab has introduced is, without doubt, a great achievement in the obscure area of theoretical physics that is of interest to only a minuscule fraction of Maple users.  In recent years much effort has been developed to topics of interest to that minuscule fraction, to the detriment of a major fraction of Maple users. 

      One should also bear in mind that the entire assortment of postulated "fundamental" particles is itself questionable, because some of these 'particles' lack observation or isolation.  Much fuss in the esoteric world of those who work in this area of physics results from self-promotion for the purpose of diverting massive funding from projects that might make the world a better place in which to live, and this achievement is likely to embellish that diversion. 

       Let us hope that the next release of Maple takes account of the nature of the mathematical interests of the major fraction of users, instead of reflecting the devotion of time and effort in esoteric directions and pandering to the abstruse domain of a relative few.

          J. F. Ogilvie.


For ee := 3*x^2*y^3+7*x*y, the procedure works, but for

ee := 3*x^2*y^3+7*x/y it does not work.

I tried without success to find some information about Maple Transations at the home page of Maplesoft on www.  Although I eventually found a separate site, namely


I suggest that it would be helpful to have a link to this ste from the Maplesoft home page.

             John Ogilvie

@Axel Vogt   John Ogilvie

@acer One part in 1000 would likely be satisfactory.

I neglected to state that

s_max := 20;  R := 1680;  k := 1/4;  gam := 1/2;

values of parameters were indeed specified.

@Thomas Richard  It is sad and scandalous that Maple, after all these years, still has so poor facility to solve integral equations.  What little does exist originated as a contribution to Maple Share library (become Maple Application Centre) from a student of a professor (Rob Corless) in University of Western Ontario, slightlly enhanced.  In 1977, i.e. three years before Maple was even born, David Stoutemyer, originator of MuMath and Derive, published some methods of solution of non-linear integral equations based on Reduce, but, despite being informed of this achievement, Maplesoft has failed to respond to the opportunity, shamefully.  I do not expect that methods to handle integral equations of non-integer order will appear imminently, but for other methods the results are long overdue.

@Carl Love I suppose that your reservation applies to Maple17, which is more than a few years old.

@ecterrab I seem to recall that Maple has already the best record of solution of differential equations. Could you please be more specific than "skyrocketed" (a dubious past participle at best), by stating the number of solutions of second-order linear differential equations in Maple 2020 and the number in Maple 2021?

It is also worth mentioning that some second-order linear differential equations that yield solutions generate them in terms of unwieldy Heun functions, even though likely Lame functions would provide easier usage, but those Lame functions are conspicuous by their absence from Maple despite calls for their inclusion along with other functions in Abramowitz and Stegun.

J. F. Ogilvie

@acer    I have incorporated your suggestion into a few such integrations, with marvelous improvements of not only completion but also speed.  I trust that this regression problem witll not appear in future releases of Maple.

@acer I posted that screen shot of the error message about the loss of contact of the kernel not that I doubted that you found the same effect but because I should have originally provided that screen shot. 

 Thanks for your original response.  Thus informed and inspired I found that merely inserting 'simplify' instead of both simplify and unapply solves the problem. 

The question remains why this loss of kernel occurs with Maple 2020.2 but not with preceding releases, such as Maple 17.  Is this effect a 'bug' that has been caused by somebody tinkering with code somewhere?


I am not sure what that information means, but I attach a screen shot of the result of operation of Maple 2020.  Anybody can readily test that the results are a sequence of 1 for the several cases of j. Morsint.docx


Alll that information seems normal, no excessive memory, brief duration, but in Maple 2020.2 that loss of connection to the kernel occurs consistently.  very strange!


I should have preferred a symbolic result of the sum, but as that seems impracticable the numerical result is most helpful and valuable.

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