347 Reputation

7 Badges

9 years, 241 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by MDD

I need  some examples s.t. the computation of their lexicographic Groebner basis is heavy?

Thank you so much.

What is the maximal independent set of monomial ideal$<c^4a^3b>$ in $K[a,b,c]$?

How can I have a sequence as follow by using "seq" command?


Please note that I need "xi" not "x_i".

In the running of an example I faced to computation of radical ideal of the following ideal:



I used from Radical command in PolynomialIdeals package. But I dno't now why it's computation is very hard and Time-consuming?

What I have to do? I think there is a bug, since this ideal is simple, apparently.

How can I compute F from G according to the following text? (I implemented this but I need a more efficient implementation.)


Given a set G of polynomials which are a subset of k[U, X] and a monomial order with U << X, we want to comput set F from G s.t.

1. F is subset of G and for any two distinct f1, f2 in F , neither lpp (f1) is a multiple of lpp (f2) nor lpp (f2) is a multiple of lpp (f1).

2. for every polynomial g in G, there is some polynomial f in F such that lpp (g) is a multiple of
lpp (f ), i.e. ⟨lpp (F )⟩ = ⟨lpp (G)⟩,


It is worth nothing that F is not unique.

Example:  Let us consider G = {ax^2 − y, ay^2 − 1, ax − 1, (a + 1)x − y, (a + 1)y − a} ⊂ Q[a, x, y], with the lexicographic order on terms with a < y < x.

Then F = {ax − 1, (a + 1)y − a} and F ′ = {(a + 1)x − y, (a + 1)y − a} are both considered set.

please not that K[U,X] is a parametric polynomial ring (U is e sequence of parameters and X is a sequence of variables).

lpp(f) is leading monomial of f w.r.t. variables X. For example lpp(a*x^2+b*y)= x^2.

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