Mike Mc Dermott

Michael McDermott

95 Reputation

3 Badges

17 years, 288 days
Self Employed
Circuit Analysis Engineer
Kokomo, Indiana, United States

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These are questions asked by Mike Mc Dermott

According to the help page for optimize

"The optimize function makes use of Maple's option remember facility to identify common subexpressions in linear time and space. This means, however, that only those subexpressions which Maple has simplified to be identical are found. For example, the expression 
                            "x + y"

 is not recognized as being common to  
                          "x + y + z"

. That is, optimize performs mainly "syntactic" optimizations."

Is there a way to more efficiently calculate a set of expressions that have common factors as in the example above?

There are some excel sheets that cannot be read w/ Maple 2023 that were read w/ Maple 2022.
I attached an example.ImportFerrites.maple
Does anyone else experienced this issue or has a solution?

Error, (in PD/PD) too many levels of recursion

x := 19.073*Unit('m'^4*'kg'^2/('s'^6*'A'^2)); simplify(x); Units:-Simple:-simplify(x); Units:-Standard:-simplify(x); Units:-Natural:-simplify(x); convert(x, units, V^2); # None of the simplify commands do anything. Is there a way to get the last result?

How do you modify the column widths in an already created table?

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