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9 years, 184 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Oliveira

Thanks again for the good attention.


I  am attaching a Maple document for better understanding.Test_with_uses.mw

Yes it is true, but in the above procedure (gds) with the Physics package, the package commands are not confined to proc, they leak acting on external expressions. Check.

I questioned Maple's trivial answer because I saw in some textbook something using eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
I am grateful for the information.

Yes, but I found the problem:
The problem occurred because I loaded package Physics and with it came the option assumingusesAssume = true (for the assuming command), which caused a conflict with the piecewise function.
Unfortunately we have to be careful to avoid these conflicts.

Thank you for your attention and response.

I  am grateful for the information. By the way, can you tell me where the Maple boot file is? I would like to insert some macros in this file.

Thank you,


Thanks for the answer.

Very good. Thank you.


Thank you for your response and attention.



Thanks again.@Carl Love 

Thanks again.@acer 

It worked and thank you very much for your help. Now what if the command had a second argument?. For example:
 x^2-2 x &//eval, x=4
how to do?

It worked and thank you very much for your help. Now what if the command had a second argument?. For example:
 x^2-2 x &//eval, x=4
how to do?
@Carl Love 

Also find that it works directly with the subs function, as long as the "~" is excluded. Making subs (_Z4 = n,%) and not subs (_Z4 ~ = n,%)

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