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MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by OptimusMaplePrime

What are the best techniques/tools/functions for rendering tabular data in more human-friendly ways within the Maple graphical user interface?

I work with large tables that would be too long to render completely in the interface, and doing so would not be an effective way to represent the data to readers of a Maple Document. However, rendering subsets of the data with headers, captions, colors, and footnotes would be beneficial. It would also be helpful to ensure each data type, such as dates, integers, and strings, was rendered appropriately. Ideally, the table would be rendered with sizing to fit the data rather than always the full width of the Maple Document.

Subsetting the data seems to be straightforward by indexing against the underlying variable. However, the operations available to define the rendering are unclear.

I see that the "Maple 2024 Help" includes documentation for "DocumentTools,Layout,Table." This appears to be the function to focus on specifically, and the DocumentTools Package seems to be the Package where control over layout is provided. Is this the only Package and Function to focus on, or are there alternative techniques?

I have two lists in Maple that I would like to join into a single list based on the values in a common field.  The best tool for such an operation is a relational database management system (RDBMS) where I would use SQL JOIN syntax.  The R program for statistics has an internal command, "merge" which can perform this operation on data frames [http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/library/base/html/merge.html].  I would like an analogous operation in Maple as a convenient alternative to turning to a full RDBMS.  Does Maple offer such a command?

Having been trained as a computer programmer, particularly in an Object-Oriented orientation, my inclination when declaring a variable is to add a line of documentation to it.  In C++, Java and other ASCII based programming languages this is oftern done with JavaDoc, Doxygen and other notational sytax in the comments.  For example:

I have had success adding units of distance in Maple using the example in the documentation.  However when I perform an addition on units of information such as gibibytes and mebibytes I receive:

"Error, (in Units:-Standard:-+) cannot represent the given unit in the system `SI`"

This behavior seems to be an ugly little non-orthogonality in the Maple language.  I have posted a test case to my files.  I did try the other systems beyond SI however this did not affect the behavior.

I recently upgraded to Maple 12 from Maple 11 and it seems that I have lost the ability to browse the contents of a matrix.  In Maple 11 I was able to right-click on the matrix block and use the context menu to open a tabular view of the data.  In Maple 12 I get a context menu with "Explore" as an option but it yeilds a dialog having a single button in it which also reads "Explore."   Clicking this closes the dialog.

Does Maple 12 have any capability for quickly browsing the contents of a Matrix?

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