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12 years, 212 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Ronan

 This is a way to add elements to a list. 

op[L] removes the brackets from the list. so you get 3,5,7,-6,4,2 to start with. Then ,i^2, i^3 tags on 1,1. The the [   ] reforms a  list. So after 1st loop you now have L as [3,5,7,-6,4,2,1,1]. and it continues




L := [3, 5, 7, -6, 4, 2]

[3, 5, 7, -6, 4, 2]


for i while i^2 < 100 do L := [op(L), i^2, i^3] end do

[3, 5, 7, -6, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 8, 9, 27, 16, 64, 25, 125, 36, 216, 49, 343, 64, 512, 81, 729]






eq := 2*exp(-2*t) + 4*t = 127:

I am not at Maple PC  at the moment.

But looking at the equation,

we see that this your equation isequivalent to exp(-2t) +2t=63.5

as a first approximation 2t=63.5

so t =31.75

exp(-2x31.75) is going to be very small. i.e 5.9000905*10^-29 (from my TI-68 calculator)

Hope that helps.


Look up the " is " command. Using it with the  " if " command works to evasluate you conditions. Plus a few corection to you code as @tomleslie did.

potfeld := (x, y) -> 1/sqrt(y^2 + x^2);
for i to 5 do
    for j to 3 do 
       if is(sqrt(i^2 + j^2) <> 0 and sqrt((i - 2)^2 + j^2) <> 0 and potfeld(i, j) < 3) 
           P[i, j] := plots:-arrow(<i, j>, <D[1](potfeld)(i, j), D[2](potfeld)(i, j)>); 
            else P[i, j] := plots:-arrow(<i, j>, <0.1, 0.1>); 
      end if; 
    end do;
end do;
Pseq := seq(seq([P[k, l]], k = 1 .. 5), l = 1 .. 3);
plots:-display(Pseq, view = [1 .. 5, 1 .. 3], scaling = constrained);


The question you have asked requires a decent bit of study. 

I googled "Transformations to hyperbolic plane in Maple"

There are probably many more. 

Hyperbolic Patterns index page (

Hayter_Hyperbolic_report.pdf (

Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with MAPLE - Vladimir Rovenski - Google Books

This one I did actually do several years ago.

Esher’s Limit Circle IV rendered on the complex upper half-plane | Open System - Ark's blog (


Maple doesn't seem to have that formatting at present. You could try and use a single cell table scaled to the correct width.

Not really a plesent solution I admit.

You need a space or a multiplication * between the R and bracket. Then it solves.

solve(R*(sigma + mu)/nu = (N*b + R*sigma)/(nu + mu), R)

R(...) is a function.

Hope this helps

Would this be acceptable as the sum converges
My internet is faulty at present so I can't get the document to display.


fd := j -> 256/3*j^5*(j - 1)^(2*j - 4)/(j + 1)^(2*j + 4);
S := x -> sum(fd(n)*ln(1 - 1/n^2), n = 2 .. x);
plot(S(x), x = 2 .. 20);
for x from 2 by 5 to 200 do
    x, evalf(S(x));
end do;





Use solve

T has 4 different value.

solve(T[1], Q); gives  -q*sigma^3/3

You get the same answer for T_2, T_3, T_4




Might be worth checking this setting.

Shif +F5 stops executable math from running the blue box turns grey. You can use it inside test too. Also RMB to untick executible maths works. When in a line of test and you want to enter an equation click on math button enter equation then RMB untick executible math then click on text button again.



P = 2*x+5

P = 2*x+5


P = 2*x+5


Test section P = 2*x+5  now more text
Shift Return for this line.




or another


Just Search for Ball.



If you are using Windows 10 turn File History. That keeps a running backup of all files you work on. You coud set to save  once a hour. It has gotten me out of trouble a few times.


They moved it to Evaluate Remove Output. Ctrl+Shift+R

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