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12 years, 318 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Ronan

@dharr I have just returned to this. Thank you for the work you put into finding out what can be done. I too found that Maple would only export 3D objects not lines points or text. I don't know whether this is a file type restriction or a Maple export limitation. Maybe an enhancment request should be submitted for this type of functionality.

@dharr Thank you. I will spend the next night or so studying that.


simplify(res) assuming `real`


@acer The timing differences are striking. I need to do more of the tests on my own code.

@acer That is a great answer. I tested it and it so far is working in the package. 

In the code below why does :-align not have the unevaluation quotes,

                                             symbol has nothing

                                            'color'  doesn't have  :-  

Qdim := proc(P1, P2, {Q:=[ NULL,:-align={':-left'}]},
                     {leader::{-1,0,1}:= 1},
                     {point::list:=['color' = ':-blue', symbol = ':-solidcircle', 'symbolsize' = 8]},

While I am asking al lot of keywords in 1d input are enclosed in the single back quotes ` ` but what do they actually do? Sometimes it seems to make no differance whether they are used or not. I know the are also used in prefix notation too.  

@acer Ok so what I have here with the procedure is outside of the package. So that may be affecting things.

I have altered the parameter names annotated in in the worksheet. Now `clr` is changed to `colour` that causes a clash. `Colour` works. `points` changed to `Point` not working. I can solve the problem. I was just trying to come up with sensible names. I was concerned about my capatilised names conflicting with other packages also I wasnted to keep them lower case if possible. @Carl Love indicated that this would not be a problem inside a package.

I will probably settle on names such as pointdata, linedata, message::boolean =true instead of prnt="y"

@acer Basically I don't know using nicer, parameter names suck as line, point, and colour, and print (I am sure print clashes)will clash.  Hopefully this will demonstrate sufficiently.  




Prntmsg:="y"; Geomclr:="Blue";





Qdim := proc(P1, P2, {Q:=[ NULL,align={left}]},
                     {leader::{-1,0,1}:= 1},
                     {points::list:=[color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8]},
description " plots Quadrance symbol and value (Q)";
uses plottools; # RationalTrigonometry;
local a,  f,g,h,v1,delta,mp, BoxQ,Qsymbol,pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,Scl,ptxtp1,ptxtp2,txtplt1,txtplt2,plttyp,thk,l12,pts12;

if P1[1]::{list, Vector[row]} then
   plttyp:=`if`(nops(pt1)=3,3,2); # print(pt1,plttyp);
end if;    

if P2[1]::{list, Vector[row]} then
   if plttyp<>nops(pt2) then error `different dimension in inputs`end if;
   if plttyp<>nops(pt2) then error `different dimension in inputs`end if;
end if;

#if scl::numeric then
  # pt3:=`if`(scl[1]::Vector[row],convert(scl[1],list),scl[1]);
    #if plttyp = 2 then
     #  Scl:=evalf(sqrt(Quadrance(pt3,pt4,"b","n")/Quadrance(pt1,pt2,"b","n")));
      # Scl:=evalf(sqrt(Quadrance(pt3,pt4,"n")/Quadrance(pt1,pt2,"n")));
   # end if;
#end if;
if plttyp =2 then
     a :=Scl* dimofset*0.1*leader*[-pt2[2]+pt1[2], pt2[1]-pt1[1]]; #dimension leader lines
     a :=Scl* dimofset*0.1*leader*[-pt2[2]+pt1[2], pt2[1]-pt1[1],pt2[3]-pt1[3]]; #dimension leader lines
end if;
mp:=(1-1/2)*pt1+1/2*pt2;  #midpoint of line
if plttyp = 2 then
end if;

if leader<>0  then
 elif linetype<>[] then
end if;

Qsymbol:= [line(pt1,pt1+a,thickness=0,_rest),
if points<>[]then           
pts12:=point([pt1,pt2],op(points));  #end points
end if;
if linetype<>[] then
  end if;
if plttyp = 2 then
    f := plots:-textplot([op((pt1+pt2)/2+1*(a)),op(Q)]);  #Quadrance text
   if txtplt1 then
      g := plots:-textplot( ptxtp1);
   end if;
   if txtplt2 then
      h := plots:-textplot( ptxtp2);
     h:= NULL;
   end if;
    v1:=plots:-textplot([op((pt1+pt2)/2), op(vec1)]);#`#mover(mi("v"),mo("&rharu;"))`[1,2]   {below,right}

   f := plots:-textplot3d([op((pt1+pt2)/2+1*(a)),op(Q)]);
   if txtplt1 then
         g := plots:-textplot3d( ptxtp1);
   end if;
   if txtplt2 then
         h := plots:-textplot3d( ptxtp2);
   end if;
    v1:=plots:-textplot3d([op(pt1+pt2)/2,op(vec1)]);#`#mover(mi("v"),mo("&rharu;"))`[1,2]   {below,right}
end if;
#print("pltyp" , plttyp)  ;
if prnt="y" then print(cat("Quadrance symbols  ",clr,"  geometry")); end if;
if leader = 0 then    
end if;
end proc:




[5/3, 11/3, 19/3]


plt1:=Qdim([P1,typeset("P1=",P1),align=below],[P2,P2,align=right ],dimofset=2,Q=["Q12\n",align =above],colour=black); use of _rest, colour=black


"Quadrance symbols  Blue  geometry"



Error, missing operator or `;`


plt2:=Qdim([P1,typeset("P1=",P1),align=below],[P3,P3,align=right ],scl=2,Q=["Q13\n",align =above],prnt="n") ; #scl affects the linine up of dimesion lines prnt="n" no message displayed


plt3:=Qdim(P3,P2,scl=1,Q=["Q23\n",align =above],points=[],linetype=[],clr="RED"); #doesn't plot points and line. shows use of `clr`



"Quadrance symbols  RED  geometry"






Qdim([P5,"P5   ",align={below,left}],[P6,"   P6",align={right}], Q=[typeset("\nQ[5,6]"),align={below,left}],points=[symbolsize=18])

"Quadrance symbols  Blue  geometry"



Qdim([P5,"P5   ",align={below,left}],[P6,"   P6",align={right}], leader=0,Q=[typeset("\nQ[5,6]"),align={below,left}],points=[symbolsize=18])

"Quadrance symbols  Blue  geometry"






@acer  Oh yes that is nicer using infix.  Really sometimes I miss the obvious. I have being using plottools:-line for the past two weeks. 

@dharr  Thank you. Not a problem entring the curves seperately. Probably makes things easier to track and debug in general.

@erik10 Did you ever get this to work for you? I want to embed a plot in 3D format into a 3D PDF.

I have found some data on line about doing this this but it is all 10-14 years old.

@erik10 Did you ever get this to work for you? I want to embed a plot in 3D format into a 3D PDF.

I have found some data on line about doing this this but it is all 10-14 years old.

@Carl LoveThis looks to be a best pratical option in general. It might be a day or two before I get back to this. Is _rest the required name, i.e something specified inside Maple. Could a name such as Additionaloptions be be used? 

A 3d pdf is attached. It is from a CAD systen. You can rotate the image like you can do with a 3D plot in Maple. Adobe will give you a warning when opening this.

I will look into the  EPS export.

@Kitonum @Carl Love @Preben Alsholm ​​​​​​​@sand15 these are all great answers. 

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