The function

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3 years, 168 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by The function

Hello everybody! Happy new year!

Allright, well, the question states the following: "What is the maximum product of the fromula x*y*z which has the sum of 6 if you add x, y, and z together".

Now, i am seeing what they are doing, but somewhere down the line in the explaination they say "(after some calculations)". 

Isnt there a faster way to do it? And what did they do in the example to get to the result?

Thank you very much!


The Function    

solve(x+y+z = 6, z)









diff(-x^2*y-x*y^2+6*x*y, x)



convert(-2*x*y-y^2+6*y, 'horner', y)



solve(-2*x*y-y^2+6*y = 0, y)

0, -2*x+6


y := 0; solve(-2*y+6 = x, x)






diff(-x^2*y-x*y^2+6*x*y, y)



convert(-x^2-2*x*y+6*x, 'horner', x)



solve(-x^2-2*x*y+6*x, x)

0, -2*y+6


x := 0; solve(-2*x+6 = y, y)







Hello everybody. 

Im working on some implicit differentiation math right now. And by following the example, it is not bringing me anywhere close to the right answer. 

In English it says: Given the implicit written function x^2-2*x*y+2*y^2=12. Determine the local maximum and/or minimum of y and x. 

The answer (as can be seen in the maple file), is for y between 2sqrt3 and -2sqrt3, and -2sqrt6 and 2sqrt6. 

The example clearly states in the solution (oplossing), that the dy/dx needs to be derived for x. But after doing that, and filling in the equation the same way the example is doing it, im not getting to the rigth answer, but -sqrt3/24, and that doesnt look like the right answer


#Opdracht 4




diff(x^2-2*x*y+2*y^2-12, x)



diff(x^2-2*x*y+2*y^2-12, y)



solve(x^2-2*x^2+2*x^2-12 = 0, x)

2*3^(1/2), -2*3^(1/2)



proc (x, y) options operator, arrow, function_assign; x^2-2*y*x+2*y^2-12 end proc


dy/dx = -(2*x-2*y)/(-2*x+4*y)

dy/dx = -(2*x-2*y)/(-2*x+4*y)



dy/dx = (x-y)/(x-2*y)



smartplot[x, y](x^2-2*x*y+2*y^2-12 = 0)







diff((x-y)/(x-2*y), x)













Thank you for your time!


The Function


Hello everybody. My lovely Dutch math book is progressing. Last week ive been scanning a copy of Advanced Engineering Mathematics from the library, a grueling task which took me 24 full hours to complete. But ive got a book that should be able to teach it with the right mindset and social contract (this Dutch book is too distracting, i cant even think). I will finish it though.. The sturdy that stands i guess. 

Any way the problem here is that the side from which a line interfaces with a shape in the 3D plane only has an x component and is lacking a y and z component. So the calculations are impossilbe, because you cant devide through 0. I suspect its something simple, but like said the repertoire is so terrible it feels like im scrambled eggs if i even remotely think about solving the problem. The facade makes the man right? Feels more like one of these spagetti westerns with only a frontage without anything behind it. 

The Question is as follows (translated from Dutch): "Given is the half ball with the equation z=sqrt(4-x^2-y^2). Check that the given point lays on the half ball and determin the eqation of the interface with the half ball in the given point."

So basically have a vector from that given point that will hit the surface of the half ball.   

#Opdracht 2



z := sqrt(-x^2-y^2+4)




proc (x, y) options operator, arrow, function_assign; sqrt(-x^2-y^2+4) end proc


a := f(1, 1, sqrt(2))



partafgx := D[1](f)

proc (x, y) options operator, arrow, function_assign; -x/(-x^2-y^2+4)^(1/2) end proc


b := partafgx(1, 1, sqrt(2))



c := (D[2](f))(1, 1, sqrt(2))



raakvlak := z-a = b*(x-1)+c*(y-1)

z-2^(1/2) = -(1/2)*2^(1/2)*(x-1)-(1/2)*2^(1/2)*(y-1)



z-2^(1/2) = -(1/2)*2^(1/2)*x+2^(1/2)-(1/2)*2^(1/2)*y


z = solve(raakvlak, z)

z = -(1/2)*2^(1/2)*x+2*2^(1/2)-(1/2)*2^(1/2)*y





proc (x, y) options operator, arrow, function_assign; sqrt(4-x^2-y^2) end proc


a := f(2, 0, 0)



partafgx := D[1](f)

proc (x, y) options operator, arrow, function_assign; -x/(4-x^2-y^2)^(1/2) end proc


b := partafgx(2, 0, 0)

Error, (in partafgx) numeric exception: division by zero


c := (D[2](f))(2, 0, 0)

Error, (in unknown) numeric exception: division by zero


raakvlak := z-a = b*(x-2)+c*y

z = b*(x-2)+c*y


z = solve(raakvlak, z)

z = b*x+c*y-2*b


#ik krijg er niets uit wat ergens op lijkt




proc (x, y) options operator, arrow, function_assign; sqrt(4-x^2-y^2) end proc


a := f(sqrt(2), sqrt(2), 0)



partafgx := D[1](f)

proc (x, y) options operator, arrow, function_assign; -x/(4-x^2-y^2)^(1/2) end proc


b := partafgx(sqrt(2), sqrt(2), 0)

Error, (in partafgx) numeric exception: division by zero


c := (D[2](f))(sqrt(2), sqrt(2), 0)

Error, (in unknown) numeric exception: division by zero


raakvlak := z-a = b*(x-sqrt(2))+c*sqrt(2)

z = b*(x-2^(1/2))+c*2^(1/2)


z = solve(raakvlak, z)

z = -b*2^(1/2)+c*2^(1/2)+b*x



Thank you very much. The first answer "a" was right, but for the other ones, this method they gave does not work. 


The Function 


Hello everybody!

Im working on my great great (not great at all.. ) Dutch math book. Im really considering getting a copy of "Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by Robert Lopez". But hey, i worked through the first book, and now im at the half of the other second book. So i will finish it.

They left me with no clue on how to get the deal done, that is what is so perfect about this book i guess (i did a lot of books, but these Dutch books, yeah they do me like that) they will leave you in the dark, while they get all the grandeur because they know how to get it done, and you as the reader, well as a first timer, dont know how. Ive talked to a lot of students about this book. Yes it sucks. Classes full of students did agree on that, the majority did. So yeah, im trying to get a book delivered from the university library to a university libary closer to me, so i can get the book that does have good reviews.

The things i did learn from the Dutch math book did work great in statics and mechanics. That made short work of all the questions like a hot knife through butter.

I cant prove this, because i dont know how. The translation says: a. Prove that the inverse of A exists for all values of p.

b. Determine the inverse of A

My take on it thusfar:

#Opdracht 9



A := `<,>`(`<|>`(1, 1, 1, 1), `<|>`(p, p+2, p+3, p+4), `<|>`(p^2, (p+2)^2, (p+3)^2, (p+4)^2), `<|>`(p^3, (p+2)^3, (p+3)^3, (p+4)^3))

Matrix(%id = 18446747008253355422)






B := MatrixInverse(A)

Matrix(%id = 18446747008306226350)



Thank you!


The Function


Hello everybody,

Something totaly unexpected came by, and i was wondering: how could this be? Im putting what would be the same input in, and yet, its not giving me the results i was expecting for the input i had itterated. 

While one solution would be really cumbersome and slow, it tried to do it faster. It worked before, but now i hit a wall. No clue why, but it seems to be so. 

Here is the example:



stelsel := {-x1+7*x2+3*x-x5 = -7, 2*x1+3*x2+4*x3-x5 = 10, 5*x1-3*x2+2*x3-x4-2*x5 = 8}

{-x1+7*x2+3*x-x5 = -7, 2*x1+3*x2+4*x3-x5 = 10, 5*x1-3*x2+2*x3-x4-2*x5 = 8}


solve(stelsel*{x1, x2, x3, x4, x5})

Error, (in testeq) invalid arguments



stelsel := {-x[1]+7*x[2]+x[3]-x[5] = -7, 2*x[1]+3*x[2]+4*x[3]-x[5] = 10, 5*x[1]-3*x[2]+2*x[3]-x[4]-2*x[5] = 8}

{-x[1]+7*x[2]+x[3]-x[5] = -7, 2*x[1]+3*x[2]+4*x[3]-x[5] = 10, 5*x[1]-3*x[2]+2*x[3]-x[4]-2*x[5] = 8}


solve(stelsel, {x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]})

{x[1] = 17/3+(4/3)*x[2]-x[3], x[2] = x[2], x[3] = x[3], x[4] = 53/3-(23/3)*x[2]-7*x[3], x[5] = 4/3+(17/3)*x[2]+2*x[3]}



Thank you!


The Function


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