Thomas Dean

322 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 117 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Thomas Dean

I have several plots generated with geometry objects:

plt1 := draw(...); plt2 := draw(...)

I want to display all them with a reasonable window.  I have been looping and and using a rather dumb proc to find the window size. I use the view=[...] option with the values calculated to set the plot view.

I wanted to post the proc, but, really messed that up!  I will try the proc later.


Some of the plots I am working with have views like

> for itm in [relBrgLinePlot,relTgtPositPlot,relTgtLinePlot] do
end do;
                     VIEW(0. .. 95., -61.58179461 .. 16.)
                 VIEW(5.48225506 .. 95., -61.58179461 .. 16.)
                 VIEW(5.48225506 .. 95., -61.58179461 .. 16.)

> for itm in [geoSensPositPlot,geoSensLinePlot,\
            geoBrgLinePlot,geoTgtPositPlot,geoTgtLinePLot] do
end do;
                  VIEW(0. .. 35.35331852, 0. .. 87.13244438)
                  VIEW(0. .. 35.35331852, 0. .. 87.13244438)
                     VIEW(0. .. 95., 0. .. 87.13244438)
                 VIEW(40.83557358 .. 95., 16. .. 25.55064977)
                 VIEW(40.83557358 .. 95., 16. .. 25.55064977)

Is there an easier way to do this?

Linux.  I want to put grid lines on an x11 device.

The x11 device is better for plotting because if the window is resized, the plot resizes with it.

plotsetup(x11);plot(sin(x),x=-1..1,gridlines = true); ## no gridlines

plot(sin(x),x=-1..1,gridlines = true); ## have gridlines

Any way to get gridlines on x11 device?

Tom Dean

The first example is very slow compared to the second.  The difference is in the definition of f().

y := int(1/(-0.4016e-1*m^(2/3)-0.211e-3*m^(5/3)), m);
f:= unapply(abs(y), m):
n := 500: ## sample size
M := <seq(2*idx/n,idx=1..n)>; ## m
Y := f~(M)+~Statistics:-Sample(Normal(0,3), n)^+; ## signal + noise

y := int(1/(-0.4016e-1*m^(2/3)-0.211e-3*m^(5/3)), m);
f:= (x) -> abs(subs(m=x,y));
n := 500: ## sample size
M := <seq(2*idx/n,idx=1..n)>; ## m
Y := f~(M)+~Statistics:-Sample(Normal(0,3), n)^+; ## signal + noise

With a somewhat complicated equation for a line, draw fails.


point(P1,[47+(38+22/60)/60, -(122+(43+4/60)/60)]);
point(P2,coordinates(P1) +~ [cos(30*Pi/180),sin(30*Pi/180)]);
draw(L1); ## no line

draw(L1);  ## works

Tom Dean

I have been working on a general solution to motion analysis and seem to be going backwards.  I have an numerical solution in Octave I use for comparison.  I have reduced the problem to a small example that exhibits the problem.

I posted a question similar to this, but, without a set of known values.

I am doing something wrong, but, what?

Tom Dean

## bearing.mpl, solve the target motion problem with bearings only.
## Consider a sensor platform moving through points (x,y) at times
## t[1..4] with the target bearings, Brg[1..4] taken at times t[1..4]
## with the target proceeding along a constant course and speed.
## time t, bearing line slope m, sensor position (x,y) are known
## values.
## Since this is a generated problem the target position at time t is
## provided to compare with the results.
genKnownValues := proc()
    description "set the known values",
    "t - relative time",
    "x - sensor x location at time t[i]",
    "y - sensor y location at time t[i]",
    "m - slope of the bearing lines at time t[i]",
    "tgtPosit - target position at time t[i]";
    global t, m, x, y, tgtPosit;
    local dt, Cse, Spd, Brg, A, B, C, R, X;
    local tgtX, tgtY, tgtRange, tgtCse, tgtSpd;
## relative and delta time
    t := [0, 1+1/2, 3, 3+1/2];
    dt := [0, seq(t[idx]-t[idx-1],idx=2..4)];
## sensor motion
    Cse := [90, 90, 90, 50] *~ Pi/180; ## true heading
    Spd := [15, 15, 15, 22];  ## knots
## bearings to the target at time t
    Brg := [10, 358, 340, 330] *~ (Pi/180);
## slope of the bearing lines
## calculate the sensor position vs time
    x := ListTools[PartialSums](dt *~ Spd *~ map(cos, Cse));
    y := ListTools[PartialSums](dt *~ Spd *~ map(sin, Cse));
## target values  start the target at a known (x,y) position at a
## constant course and speed
    tgtRange := 95+25/32; ## miles at t1, match octave value...
    tgtCse := 170 * Pi/180; ## course
    tgtSpd := 10; ## knots
    tgtX := tgtRange*cos(Brg[1]);
    tgtX := tgtX +~ ListTools[PartialSums](dt *~ tgtSpd *~ cos(tgtCse));
    tgtY := tgtRange*sin(Brg[1]);
    tgtY := tgtY +~ ListTools[PartialSums](dt *~ tgtSpd *~ sin(tgtCse));
## return target position vs time as a matrix
end proc:
## t[], m[], x[], and y[] are known values
## equation of the bearing lines
eq1 := tgtY[1] - y[1]    = m[1]*(tgtX[1]-x[1]):
eq2 := tgtY[2] - y[2]    = m[2]*(tgtX[2]-x[2]):
eq3 := tgtY[3] - y[3]    = m[3]*(tgtX[3]-x[3]):
eq4 := tgtY[4] - y[4]    = m[4]*(tgtX[4]-x[4]):
## target X motion along the target line
eq5 := tgtX[2] - tgtX[1] = tgtVx*(t[2]-t[1]):
eq6 := tgtX[3] - tgtX[2] = tgtVx*(t[3]-t[2]):
eq7 := tgtX[4] - tgtX[3] = tgtVx*(t[4]-t[3]):
## target Y motion along the target line
eq8 := tgtY[2] - tgtY[1] = tgtVy*(t[2]-t[1]):
eq9 := tgtY[3] - tgtY[2] = tgtVy*(t[3]-t[2]):
eq10:= tgtY[4] - tgtY[3] = tgtVy*(t[4]-t[3]):
## solve the equations
eqs  := {eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4,eq5,eq6,eq7,eq8,eq9,eq10}:

Sol:= solve(eqs, {tgtVx, tgtVy, seq([tgtX[k], tgtY[k]][], k= 1..4)}):

## these values are very close to Octave
## The value of tgtX[] and tgtY[] should equal the respective tgtPosit values
seq(evalf(eval([tgtX[idx],tgtY[idx]], Sol)),idx=1..4);


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