Thomas Dean

327 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 239 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Thomas Dean

ckt := "*\n\
V1 1 0 -10*exp(-2*t)\n\
R1 1 2 2\n\
R2 2 3 2\n\
C1 3 0 0.5F\n\
R3 2 4 4\n\
L1 4 3 1H\n\
volts,others:=Solve(ckt,'tran', 'returnall'):

How do I get an expression for diff(i1(t),t)?    I tried

eval(diff(i[R1](t),t), volts union others);
But, this looks very strange

diff(i2(t),t)?  I tried a similar expression, but, it is ver different than the one by OP.

How do I set the initial conditions?  I can use init=1, on L1 for i2(0)=1.  But, how about i1(0)=1?


# uname -a

Linux p9x79 5.4.0-48-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 10 10:58:49 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I use X with TWM.

When minized, the maple icon is about 1/4" diameter.  How do I change this to a larger icon?


Direct integration produces a large, messy statement, including numbers like 2017, 2016,...,1

Looking at the parts, the numbers 2020, 2019, etc. are in each.

(**) sum((k+1)*x^k,k=0..2018);

(**) sum(x^k,k=0..2019);

Looks like this should reduct to some simple expession????

I made a mistake in entering this expression:  2020 should have been 2018.


realloc(): invalid old size

Process Maple aborted (core dumped)

Nothing I can do from the keyboard should cause a core dump.

Looking at #6 in

How do I entter the continued fraction in Maple?  I am using the command line interface (actually Emacs).

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