Thomas Dean

327 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 240 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Thomas Dean

What/Whare are the maple initialization files.

I have a problem with libname.

According to maple help, I should create/modify ~/.mapleinit.

> cat ~/.mapleinit

libname := "/usr/local/Maple2021/lib","/home/tomdean/maple/toolbox/maplev/lib","/home/tomdean/maple/toolbox/Syrup/lib";

But, when I start maple (in emacs), libname is only the first part, "/usr/local/Maple2021/lib",

I installed the cloud version of Syrup with xmaple, by clicking the cloud icon, etc. It is loaded with xmaple and cmaple. But, not in maple running in emacs.

(**) Error, invalid input: with expects its 1st argument, pname, to be of type
{module, package}, but received Syrup

Tom Dean

I am attempting to use maplev mode for emacs. Ubuntu 20.04.3, Emacs 26.3, maplev-mode from git, release-2.36-59-g142c03. maple 2021.

I copied mload from an older computer and added a line to define maple, after the original maple definition line.

MAPLE=${MAPLE:-maple} # Maple script
MAPLE=/usr/local/Maple2021/bin/maple  <=== added

I compiled and installed maplev-mode. I had to touch doc/version.texi because the file did not exist. But, otherwise, I saw no errors.

I added lines to my emacs init.el as per the

maplev-mode seems to load when I edit a .mpl file.

However, mint is not defined.  Where should I change to define the location of mint?


Tom Dean

line := x/100 - 1/2;
wave := cos(x / 5) * sin(x / 2); ## -1 <= wave <= 1
eq:= line - wave;
r1 := solve(line < -1); ## RealRange(-infinity,Open(-50))
r2 := solve(line > 1);  ## RealRange(Open(150),infinity)
## There are 27 solutions in RealRange(-50,150)

I searched Questions.  Found many solutions.  The only one that seems to work is Student[Calculus1]:-Roots()

Is there another way to do this?

In a thesis by Md. Mohsin Ali at the University of Ontario, he says that ifactor uses multiple threads and presents a graph of measured results.

I ran ifactor with a 100 digit input and do not see mserver using multiple cores in top.  I do see mserver using 100% of a single core.

Am I missing something?

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