Tim Vrablik

654 Reputation

13 Badges

18 years, 46 days

I work in Maplesoft’s Applications group. This group is a hub between Sales/Marketing and R&D. I primarily work with customers to help them use our software for their projects.

Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, I spent a substantial chunk of my life there. I attended the University of Windsor to study Engineering and Math, and moved to Waterloo to start working with Maplesoft.

My first introduction to Maple was in a differential equations class. Our professor swore by it every day, and felt obliged to show us examples on how to use it at the end of every class. Admittedly, I usually skipped out of class right around that point. It wasn’t until I sat down and used the software to do my homework that I truly realized how useful Maple was…I only wish I had heeded my professor’s advice in the first month of the semester instead of the last.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Tim Vrablik

The bars that you are getting overtop of the sin/cos denote complex conjugates. For your particular question, you can just do E:=simplify(E, assume=real) and you'll get the result you are looking for.

See the help pages.

  In your case, it looks like the varialble a is being assigned values that were calculated in previous parts of your worksheet.



?solve is what you're looking for. You can also right click on your equation and do Solve>Obtain Solution For>t

You can use the ?curvefitting package to generate a line of best fit, then plot that on top of your data points.

As Joe suggested, could you upload the code/worksheet? To do this, press the green arrow in the toolbar, this will open the file manager.


Although some commands have changed over time, they have not changed much in at least the last 4 releases. For example:

- if you type in ?plot2d, you'll get the help page to plot a 2D function.

- if you type in ?diff, the first entry you should see is the help page for diff. The syntax for doing higher order derivatices is just diff(f(x), x$n) where n is the derivative you'd like to take.

- Simplify still does exist. In fact, there are several different types of simplifications.

- Coefficient extraction still does exist. Now for coefficient, this one didn't come up right away. However, if you type in ?coeff, you'll get the function you're looking for.


All of these were found under standard Maple 13 help pages. Now unfortunately I do not know the history of all of these commands, so I'm not sure if/when the changes took place (although I'm pretty sure these particular ones have not changed). I do know that as the software evolves, command names have to change because of data structures/procedures/etc. We do try to make the software as backwards compatible as possible, but we can't get it to be compatible 100% of the time.

Hope this helps.

I wasn't able to view your image, so I'm going a bit blindly with this. Instead of posting an image of the model, can you upload the model here (it's not the most intuitive, but if you press the green up arrow in the toolbar, you can upload files).

I have attached an example file that uses a custom component for the frictionwhich is connected to the force and to a translational fixed point.

Hope this helps.

Download 8337_TranslationalFrictionCustomComponent.msim
View file details

While you're searching for the old brochures, you can find new features of each edition directly in Maple. Just do a search for updates.

I just took a look at the help page, and the vector V:=[1.55,1.56,1.53] is a new vector that is being defined for another example to demostrate the inplace option, which replaces the original values with the normalized ones.

Hope this helps.

#2 - I've had this happen on some occasions, but not regularly.  What happens if you erase it and try to re-type it?


#3 - Try normal(-1/((z+1+I)*(-z-1+I)),expanded)

You can insert a plot area from the Components palette.  When you right-click on it, go to properties and from here you can specify the size of the plot area.

Hope this helps.



Your best bet would be to contact Technical Support.


It seems that Maple wants to make a matrix/vector out of your conditions.  You can work around this by changing your initial condition to -1>x, or by putting brackets around the -1.

I'll pass this on to R&D to investigate further.

You can right-click on an equation and use manipulate to work through a solution step-by-step, and have each step returned.

As for plotting, you can right click on one of your equations and go to plost>3D implicit plot.  After generating one, you can drag and drop the other equations into the plot area.  You can also do it using the implicitplot3d command as well.

Please do not spam the site by posting the same question in multiple forums.

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