
62 Reputation

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15 years, 55 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by andrewfortune

As I did not upgrade to Maple 14 when it came out, I am interested to know the differences between v15 and v13. Obviously, it is easy to get a comparison between v15 and v14, as all I need to do is study the promotional advertising. But is there a way of getting a comparison list between v15 and v13 ?



Hi all,

I am using Maple 13. I don't know what I am doing wrong here. I am defining variables, and it seems to be losing the assigned values of some of these variables along the way. See illustration below :

What is going on here ?

Thanks and regards,
Andrew J Fortune,


I have purchased an e-book for Maple called "Advanced Engineering Mathematics". I have found it to be full of red code text (which I understand to be 1-D Maple format, correct?).

Is there a way of converting the contents of my e-book to get rid of this red text (or at least convert it to something more meaningful) ?


Thanks and regards,
Andrew J Fortune,

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