
62 Reputation

6 Badges

15 years, 173 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by andrewfortune

Help !

I have Maple 13 installed on my computer, and when I click the icon in the taskbar, it just sits there and refuses to start.

I tried uninstalling and re-installing it, but that didn't work either. I also installed the latest Java Runtime Environment, all to no avail.

Was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem, if they fixed it, and if so, how ?

Any help appreciated.



If I click on the "Edit Startup Code" button, key in "with DEtools;" (sans quotes), save it and close the Startup Code dialog, the "Edit Startup Code" button in the toolbar is filled (indicating startup code).

If I then close Maple and re-open it the startup code is gone.

As I thought that the startup code was for all sessions, I am wondering what I am doing wrong.

Any help appreciated.



Is it possible in Maple to output a complex number using j (or i) instead of I ?



I have used the series command to expand sin(x) as a Taylor series about x=0, as follows:


I am using Maple 13 under Windows 7. I have been using Maple for quite a while now, and all of a sudden Maple has decided to start playing funny games.

Whenever I go into the Maple Portal and click on one of the hyperlinks, the Maple session locks up. The first time this had happened, I had been in the Maple Portal for half an hour.

It doesnt respond to any clicks, including trying to close the Maple window. The only way to close it at this point is to crash it via the Task Manager....

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